
We're Officially Old Enough That All Our Childhood Toys Are Headed To A Museum

Have you ever looked back over your childhood toys and been completely confused why everyone keeps calling them "Vintage"? Well, I guess we all are suddenly a lot older then we thought, because all our old toys are now going into a museum. TripAdvisorThere is a museum in Rochester, New York that is called The Strong Museum. It is also known at the "National Museum of Play" and is probably every kids' dream to go there. Trip AdvisorInside this epic and sprawling museum, you can find over 10,000 board games, hundreds of arcade games, thousands of dolls and action


6 Trixie Belden Books That Made Us All Want To Be Detectives

Some books are capable of remaining popular no matter when they were published. The Sweet Valley High books are pretty wonderful no matter when you read them, V.C. Andrews' terrifying stories will always freak you out, and then there are of course the Trixie Belden books. EbayThe Trixie Belden books are iconic. Basically everyone in our generation has read them, our parents' generation, and even some of our grandparents enjoyed them when they were young as well! The books have been around forever, but the stories never go out of style. EbayTrixie Belden was someone a lot of us


You Can Live In The Beverly Hillbillies Mansion But You'll Need To Strike Oil First

The Beverly Hillbillies was one of the most successful and popular shows of their time. It was on the air between 1962-1971, but in syndication it made its way into all of our childhoods. CBSThe Clampetts were a unique family who were faced with an interesting situation. After striking oil in the swamp where they lived, the family was suddenly rich beyond their wildest dreams and so off they went to Beverly Hills. CBSThey moved into an impressive and enormous mansion that many of us remember seeing and dreaming we could one day own something similar. Turns out, that house


15 Retro Toys You Absolutely Wouldn't Want To Cuddle With

There have been so many types of toys over the years, whether they were Barbies, action figures or even toys that probably weren't appropriate for kids... The thing is, a lot of these toys were super strange looking. I don't know why, but it's just a fact. It really makes you consider how much times have changed! Seriously, take a look at these! This monkey looks like it knows all your secretsEbayThis bunny looks like it has pink eyeEbayAre those suppsed to be eyelashes, whiskers or just really weird hair? EbayNice doggy....EbayWhy do all these toys always have rubber


Winnie-the-Pooh Has Evolved A Lot Over The Years, And The Newest Look Goes Back To The Beginning

Winnie-the-Pooh is one of the best and more popular characters from our childhoods. Kids probably recognize him as easily as they recognize Mickey Mouse. And just like Mickey Mouse, he has gone through a couple makeovers through the years.Prickett & EllisLet's take a look at the many looks of that "willy, nilly, silly, old bear" that we all love so much. DisneyHow it started: Winnie-the-Pooh was based on an actual bear. She was a black bear named Winnipeg that was brought to Britain during the First World War by Canadian lieutenant, Harry Colleburn. Coleburn had to give the bear

Pop Culture

13 Ads That Will Make You Appreciate How Much Technology Has Changed Since the '80s

Technology has come a long way in the last few decades. When you look back even ten years ago everything seems so outdated. Oyster MagNow, basically everyone has a little smart phone that they can do pretty much everything they need to do, but back in "the good ol' days" everything was a bit more complicated. These advertisements really give you a little peak into how it used to be, and remind you how much everything has changed.Imagine paying $99 for a brand new gaming system?Huffington PostHey kids, you'll probably do a lot better if you look at


What Technology Used To Look Like When It Lasted More Than 5 Years

The way our products and appliances used to work was that you would spend a big chunk of money upfront, but it would last you for a very long time. It seems like lately, there is a new business model. Big ChillThe attention spans that we all seem to have for products are nothing like they used to be. Our grandparents generations all had the same fridges, couches, and televisions for decades, where as we find ours all break after 5 years. Is it us doing something wrong, or are the companies doing it on purpose? Turns out it might

Pop Culture

What Went On Behind The Scenes Of "Mary Poppins" Will Leave You Smiling For The Rest Of The Day

Mary Poppins is one of those classic movies that has transcended generations. It doesn't matter that the movie came out all the way back in 1964. Walt Disney PicturesThe movie is just so iconic and fun that kids love it no matter when they were born. They are even making a sequel to it starring Emily Blunt and Lin Manuel-Miranda. Walt Disney PicturesBecause the original is such a classic, it's fun to imagine that Julie Andrews really has a flying umbrella and Dick Van Dyke really did love dancing on roof tops. The truth is, a lot of work went


15 Hilarious Ways To Describe Your Age Without Using Numbers That Are Super Relatable

When you think about how old you are and how much the world has changed it's easy to get a little bitter. Everything is just so very different, and obviously it was so much better when we were young right? People often go to the internet to express their frustrations, and the best example of this right now is the trend of "My Age in a Phrase". Instead of saying how old they are they just use a phrase and it is super relatable. See which one relates to your childhood the most! @ThisGirlInCT@feliciaw5853@fanchiefanch@andtobymakes3@alyssaaburgerr@MrTommyWalter@GraphicandMaybe@


10 Things You Never Knew About Burt Reynolds

The words "living legend" are thrown around a lot these days, but we say Burt Reynolds definitely qualifies for that description. Reynolds' career has spanned 6 decades and he's still working to this day. By the time he starred in his most famous role, one of the city slickers from Deliverance, he had already been a working actor for 10 years. After that he still had roles in films like Smokey and the Bandit, The Longest Yard and Boogie Nights to look forward to. If you've loved any of those films, you'll be interested in these 10 interesting facts about