
Study Reveals Each State's Favorite 90s Cartoon And The Results Are Unexpected

Everyone has their own favorite cartoon, but have you ever wondered if the one you loved most had anything to do with where you grew up? Maybe you just related to the characters more, maybe everyone in your town just had a big phase where you all watched the same shows, or maybe it's completely based on the channels you had available. A lot of factors influence which shows are your favorite, but the 90s had a lot of good options to choose from. Kids shows in particular were absolutely epic in the 90s. There was something for everyone, but


According To A Study, These Are The Most Popular 90s Toys In Each State

When you think back to your childhood, what toy do you remember spending most of your time with? There's probably one that stands out, whether it was a particular stuffed animal, a special Barbie, or even a video game, that you remember going absolutely bananas over. Have you ever wondered if you were the only one to be completely obsessed with it, or if kids from other states also loved the same thing? Well, AT&T has decided to dig into the world of 90s nostalgia, and they hope to answer the question we've all had, "What is the most


Which Horror Movie You Should Watch On Halloween Based On Where You Live

Halloween is almost here, so you know what that means: time to watch a scary movie! But there are so many good ones out there, how are you supposed to decide what to watch?Well, we've got you covered. All you have to do is find your state (or capital if you live in D.C. I guess) and we'll give you a horror movie that was either set or filmed there. Alabama - Get Out (2017)Universal PicturesYes, this movie is a lot more recent than what we’d typically talk about, but when your options come down to