
KB Toys Announces Their Comeback After Toys 'R' Us Declares Bankruptcy

After we were all devastated by the news that our childhood heaven Toys 'R' Us was closing down, we thought that nothing could make our inner child happy. Honestly, Toys 'R' Us was the coolest place to go when you were little, and it sucks knowing that we won't be able to bring our kids there one day. But wait! There was one place that we loved going to just as much as Toys 'R' Us, maybe even more. KB Toys was the competitor to the popular brand, and while they went out of business in 2009, they are now


The Origin Of The Most Unusual Fad Of The 90s Proves It's Much More Than A Flash In The Pan

We all remember that one kid on the playground who was slapping around a stick as though it was the most impressive thing in the universe. Sure, it probably required a decent amount of skill, but the Devil Sticks fad died out fairly quickly and we all moved on to the next great craze. But the truth is, Devil Sticks aren't just a 90s thing. They actually started over a century before they became a craze on every playground in the country. The Origin Of Devil SticksIt's hard to know the exact origin of Devil Sticks, mostly because they go


10 Trends From The 90s We Would All Really Like To Forget

Listen, we can all reminisce about the 90s until we are blue in the face, but there were some fads that just were a little bit... well, bizarre, is the best way to put it. No decade can claim that they were free from the crazy flash fads that seemed to come and go before anyone could really understand what was going on, but the 90s sure did have some weird ones. How many do you remember? 1. Chain WalletsYou couldn't trust anyone back in the 90s. You had to make sure those things were secured properly into your pocket,


10 Toys We Were All Obsessed With, Until We Finally Got Them

When we were kids, we wanted everything, and I mean everything, that was considered "cool." We had the latest Pokemon cards, board games, video game consoles, and anything else that we could brag about. But not all toys were cool for very long. The fun seemed to die out right after we got them, which coincided with the next big toy that was introduced to the market. Here are 10 toys we were obsessed with and had to beg our parents to buy us... But tell me why I still want these again today! 1. Wooden Pick Up SticksThrowbacksGet it


10 Things That Smell Like Your Childhood

Ever smell something that immediately takes you back to your childhood? Here's a list of 10 things your life hasn't been the same without: 1. Lip SmackersMy mom stopped buying these for me after I started eating all the good flavours. Fragrantica2. Mr. Sketch MarkersAh, the days when sniffing markers was encouraged. Super Coupon3. CrayonsThis smell is so distinct that every time I smell it, I am instantly brought back to colouring a dog that resembles more of a potato with legs. Mashable4. Old Textbooks That smell of 50-year-old dust hitting your face as soon as you open a textbook.


6 Classic Lego Sets That Every '90s Kid Wanted

There was no better teacher for this than Lego, which encouraged kids to be creative and discover different fields of history, science, and relatable day-to-day culture!If you and your siblings had any Lego growing up, then you'll know how much fun it was to build these sets. Let's see if you remember some of the most popular collections from the 90s!Fort LegoredoBest ToysThis was an awesome set to start out with. You got 6 cavalry units and a small team of bandits to play fight against each other in this western world. There was even multiple buildings for