
10 Facts That Will Make You Love Tom Hanks Even More Than You Already Do

I think we can all agree that Tom Hanks is a national treasure. He is in some of the greatest movies we all know and love like Forrest Gump, Toy Story, and Big. But how much do you know about the man himself? Daily MailTom Hanks has had a long and wonderful career and his life surrounding that is full of interesting stories. See how many of these facts you knew about the world's favorite actor! GiphyTom Hanks is related to Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia BritannicaIt's obviously pretty distant, but Hanks is Lincoln's third cousin, four times removed.He shares that


The Craziest Things Movies Have Done To Get The Perfect Shot

Every movie needs a director, and every director has a vision for the movie. While most things can be left to the skills of the actors or the special effects crew, sometimes the perfect shot needs a higher level of creativity. Not all of these were the best idea (in fact some of it may have been abuse) but no one can deny that the directors of these movies were able to do something incredible, with a little bit of ingenuity. Rocky IVQueensland TimesEven though Rocky ends up winning this one, the final fight against Ivan Drago nearly cost Stallone