
7 Secrets From The Set Of 'Willow' That'll Make You Love The Classic Even More

The first time we all watched Willow when we were kids, we suddenly realized just how amazing the fantasy genre could be.  It took us on a crazy adventure that we will never forget, but there's a lot that went on behind the scenes that we didn't know about. Willow became a classic, and people still love it to this day, but so much went into the making of it, that it deserves even more credit than it gets. 1. George Lucas wrote the movie for Warwick DavisLucasfilmLucas met Davis on the set of Return of the Jedi when


There's A Depressing Story In The Background Of 'Shrek' That We All Completely Missed

Shrek was one of those movies that took the world by storm and honestly never let it go. Somehow the ridiculous and wonderful digitally animated movie managed to become one of the most quotable and frequently referenced films from our childhood. DreamworksThe thing about the movie was that when we were kids, there was a lot of stuff that we happened to miss. A lot of jokes completely slipped past our little innocent brains, but if you try to watch it now you'll be a little bit surprised by what happened. But the one I want to discuss today is


7 Things About The Fifth Element That'll Make You Reach For Your Multipass

Very few movies manage to reach true cult classic status. There are movies like Empire Records, Pulp Fiction, and Rocky Horror Picture Show, but there are a lot more movies that get made that never achieve that unique status. The Fifth Element has a complicated history with the title of "cult classic," because while a lot of people consider it one of the best sci-fi movies ever, a lot of people claim it's the worst. Some people say it's "so bad it's good" while others just love it unironically. But there are a lot of things that went on behind


10 Stories From 'The Breakfast Club' Set That'll Make You Glad You Never Got Saturday Detention

We all identified with one of them. Whether it was the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, or the criminal, one of those characters felt like they fit our experience.The Breakfast Club has managed to become one of those iconic movies that completely defines a generation, and yet there is still so much we don't know about the movie. Universal PicturesObviously working on a movie set with a bunch of young actors can get a little bit stressful, but some of the things that the cast and crew have revealed about their experience is pretty surprising. Honestly,


11 Popeye Facts That'll Make You Feel Just Like You've Just Eaten A Can Of Spinach

The movie Popeye may not be what most people think of when they remember Robin Williams, but the movie deserves much more credit than it gets. Is it a little bizarre? Yes, it sure it. But is it fun anyways? Of course! The fantastical and wonderful movie that many people forget has an interesting history and a lot of work was put into it. Even though it didn't succeed as expected, it still brings a lot of joy to the people who do love it. If you've never seen it, you really should. Maybe these facts will help get you


The Man Behind The Music Of 'Schoolhouse Rock' Has Died, Here's How He Shaped Our Childhood

Schoolhouse Rock was a requirement in our childhoods. Everyone of us watched these movies in class to learn about grammar and math, and if you didn't, I'm very sorry for your loss. The original series started all the way back in 1973, and continued until 1985. It was so beloved that they decided to bring it back in 1993 and re-release old episodes and make a few new ones so that new generations can learn all the important lessons. The idea for Schoolhouse Rock came about when David McCall realized his son was having a lot of trouble memorizing multiplication


13 Secrets From The Set Of 'Married With Children' That'll Make You Believe In Love And Marriage

Married...With Children is one of those shows that felt different from all the rest. Every other sitcom was trying to put forward this false homage to the happy family, but honestly, that's not the way the real world was. There is always a little bit of conflict in the real world. We don't all get along all the time and yes, sometimes we can be a little inappropriate. The only family that seemed to give us a more accurate representation of family life was the Bundys. Al Bundy was a little bit rough around the edges, and Peggy was


8 Things Every '90s Girl Needs To Know About "The Powerpuff Girls"

If you grew up in the 90s you know that your Saturday mornings were dominated by your favorite breakfast cereal, PJs and of course, cartoons. In 1998, The Powerpuff Girls debuted on our small screens and it rocked our socks off! Airing on the Cartoon Network, it maintained high ratings for its entire six seasons. The three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers captured our attention while they kicked some serious butt and defended their hometown. Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup still have our attention decades later as they helped us learn to brush our teeth, overcome bedwetting and encouraged us to snuggle