
It's Been Over 30 Years Since Number 5 Escaped, Here's What The Cast Is Up To Now

Robot movies are one of the greatest genres of movies in my opinion, and one of the top tier choices to watch is of course Short Circuit. This movie is one of those hidden treasures that not everyone knows about, but they absolutely should. It tells the story of a robot who experienced a short circuit that sent a bolt of electricity through him and made him "alive". His creators are not happy about it, which makes sense because he is technically a giant weapon and they don't know how he will react so they go after him. The cast


Your 5 Favorite Fast Food Places Have Changed A Lot Since You Were A Kid

Going to a fast food restaurant may be one of those things that some people are ashamed of now, but when we were kids it was all we ever wanted. It wasn't just the greasy french fries, cheeseburgers, and chicken nuggets, either, there were also play places and the toys that came with our meals to get excited about! Being a kid and going to a fast food place was the absolute best. When we go back now, it doesn't feel the same. First of all we actually have to pay for our own meals, but more importantly, everything looks