
Backstreet Boys Watched Teens React To Their 90s Music Videos And We Feel Ancient

The Backstreet Boys are true legends to those of us who grew up in the 90s. We know all the words to all of their songs, we tried to learn the dances in the music videos, and we can absolutely pick out who is who. We know that Nick is the youngest one with the bright blonde hair cut into a glorious mushroomSuper PopWe know that Howie has gone through a few long hair phases and often danced around without a shirt onTiger BeatWe know that A.J.'s 90s goatee was on another levelBOPWe know that Kevin is the


12 Things Every 90s Kid Had In Their Bedroom

If your bedroom didn't have these things, you probably wanted them at some point. It's crazy to think today's teens want an aesthetically pleasing bedroom, when all we wanted was a lava lamp and a couple posters to be happy. Here are 12 things you probably had in your room in the 90s. 1. At least one creepy doll.I have no idea why every household had at least one of those creepy china dolls, but at one point I had a shelf absolutely filled with them all sitting side by side. This went on for a few years, until


15 Lies You Definitely Told Your Parents As A Teenager

As I've grown up, and looked back at these lies I've told, I started to realize everyone tells the same lies to their parents. If that's the case, our parents definitely knew we were lying the whole time. It could also be that they were incredibly naive and believed we were the angels the hoped we'd be. 1. "I'm going to stay the night at my friends house."Maybe you were going to your friends house, but you definitely weren't staying there. 2. "Report cards haven't come out yet."This was a tricky one because you had to pray that


8 Things Today's Teenagers Will Have Never Seen

Teenagers today missed out on a lot of stuff, sure they just have the better, upgraded version of what we had growing up, but they never got to experience where that all came from. Here are eight things today's teenagers would have never remembered. 1. BlockbusterToday's teenagers will never get to experience the thrill of getting to rent a blockbuster movie, or even having their trusty blockbuster membership card in their wallets at all times. Sure, maybe none of us went to Blockbuster at the end, and maybe we would rather die then have Netflix traded in for Blockbuster, but

Pop Culture

Netflix Has Just Released A 90s Themed Show And It Will Give You Instant Nostalgia

A 90s-themed TV show has just been put on Netflix and we are so excited. The show is called, Everything Sucks!, and it's supposed to perfectly represent being a teenager in the 90s. The show is set in 1996, in a town called Boring, Oregon, which is actually a real town by the way. It is a comedy that follows the lives of high school freshman, including all of our favorite things about the 90s. Watching the trailer alone gave me instant nostalgia. The main characters in the show are in the AV Club and Drama Club and are made


8 Times MTV Molded Our Childhood

MTV brought us some of our best childhood, and teen memories. From the countdowns, the reality shows and the music awards, MTV taught us everything we probably shouldn't have known about until we were much older, and we loved every minute of it. 1. The Real World.We learned so much from the beginning seasons of this show. I learned way too much about sex, and a very skewed version about what life would be like when i'm in my 20's. This was the type of show that you grew so attached to every character and then once a new


15 Shoes Every Girl Proudly Wore in The 90s, Even Though We Shouldn't Have

I don't have to remind you that we made very questionable fashion choices while growing up, but I will. I mean, have you actually thought about how much chunky and clunky footwear we wore throughout the 90s?  Anyway, now that our fashion faux-pas filled days are behind us, it's actually nice to look back and get nostalgic. Here are 15 shoes that every tween and teen girl wore back in the 90s: 1. Platform shoesCosmopolitanFor those of us who were old enough to wear heels, these Spice Girls-inspired platform shoes were all the rage, especially the rainbow colored ones.