
10 Cell Phones We All Desperately Wanted To Own In The Early 2000s

Back in the early 2000s, owning a cell phone wasn't a common thing like it is now. It seems like every kid is born with an iPhone in their hand, but back in our day we had to earn it! We either needed to buy one ourselves, or successfully annoy our parents until we got one. There were a lot of them that we all remember wishing for when we were young, which of these did you always want? Nokia 3310The SunWe all knew that getting this phone meant that we would get to play 'Snake', and that was all


10 Tech Trends And Gadgets We Were All Completely Obsessed With In The 90s

Growing up in the 90s meant that you were privy to a lot of technology that our parents weren't really used to. Computers were starting to be a lot more affordable and so all of the coolest toys started to bank on the technological turn our world was taking. GiphyThis meant that all of our favorite and most desired toys we super cool and futuristic. Obviously we had to have all the latest technology, even though our parents didn't fully understand. We just knew that these things were going to be a great investment. However, we were not always right.

Pop Culture

13 Ads That Will Make You Appreciate How Much Technology Has Changed Since the '80s

Technology has come a long way in the last few decades. When you look back even ten years ago everything seems so outdated. Oyster MagNow, basically everyone has a little smart phone that they can do pretty much everything they need to do, but back in "the good ol' days" everything was a bit more complicated. These advertisements really give you a little peak into how it used to be, and remind you how much everything has changed.Imagine paying $99 for a brand new gaming system?Huffington PostHey kids, you'll probably do a lot better if you look at


What Technology Used To Look Like When It Lasted More Than 5 Years

The way our products and appliances used to work was that you would spend a big chunk of money upfront, but it would last you for a very long time. It seems like lately, there is a new business model. Big ChillThe attention spans that we all seem to have for products are nothing like they used to be. Our grandparents generations all had the same fridges, couches, and televisions for decades, where as we find ours all break after 5 years. Is it us doing something wrong, or are the companies doing it on purpose? Turns out it might


Kids Today Have No Idea How Much Work Taking Pictures Used To Be

Having your picture taken when you were a kid was a lot different than it is today. We didn't get to take simple selfies while looking at our expressions in a screen. We didn't get to take 100 pictures until it turned out right. We didn't even get to see what the pictures looked like FOR DAYS! Times have changed. Every kid has their own cellphone now, all of which are equipped with very fancy cameras. They can immediately see their pictures and delete, retake or post them where ever they want. It's a lot different from how we used


10 Futuristic Gadgets From 'The Jetsons' That We Actually Have Today

When you were a kid watching The Jetsons, you probably found yourself saying "I wish I had that." They had robot maids, jet packs, and basically everything you could ever hope for, but it all felt like it was stuff that was so far in the future that we would never get to experience it. However, looking back at all those things we thought were sooooo cool when we were kids, a lot of them are actually available in one way or another. It's crazy how many things seem totally normal to us now, but even just 30 years ago