
20 Statements You Haven't Heard Since You Were A Kid That'll Flood Your Brain With Memories

Growing up, there are always phrases that are pretty specific to the time period. It's the same for every generation. There's always those statements that seem so relevant at the time, but looking back it feels ridiculous. Think about it, our parents didn't have flat screen TVs, a Nintendo, or the internet, those only became popular when we were kids. We are really lucky to have grown up in the time that we did, because we have gotten to experience the insanely fast technological advances that have been going on. Remember your first internet experience? You can probably still hear


The Y2K Bug Was Actually Much Worse Than We All Remember

History has a funny way of playing tricks on our memory, and the Y2K bug is a good example.The famous computer glitch was devilishly simple: experts worried that computers and programs using a two-digit date system would flip their lids in the year 2000 - when their systems read "00."You probably remember the almost-hysterical panic some people felt before New Year's Eve 1999. Grocery stores across the country noticed more people buying canned goods and bottled water.These days, if we remember Y2K at all, it's remembered as history's greatest anticlimax. The new year came, things were alright,


10 Tech Problems We All Suffered Through in the 90s

The 90s were a time for great tech disasters and we loved every minute of it. Here's 10 times your head felt like it was going to explode due to technology being annoying:1. Your mom not wanting to take you to Blockbuster.There's no better way to ruin a Friday night than your mom telling you she won't take you to Blockbuster. Also devastating: If your mom let's you go to Blockbuster but when your try to convince her to buy movie snacks in the line she says, "We have food at home." The whole Blockbuster experience was an


6 Tech Gadgets From The 90s That Will Make You Realize How Much Times Have Changed

Growing up, technological gadgets were the most exciting thing, probably because they were all so rare! It was almost like finding the Holy Grail if you unwrapped a Game Boy at your birthday or Christmas, but now it seems it's weirder for a kid to be without some kind of electronic device. Have you ever thought about how different it really is now? If you were to go back in time and told your eight year old self, "one day, you will have a device that accesses every song, movie, TV show you could ever want, plus a bunch of


1994 Best Buy Flyer Reminds Us Of Simple, Yet Terrifying Times

Before the internet was super available, we had flyers (or paper inserts). We waited for that blessed Sunday paper when we could see all the upcoming deals. And when it was Christmas time? Look out. Those bad boys were getting cut out and glued to another sheet of paper, then promptly mailed off to Santa. Even though it doesn't seem like that long ago, the technology in 1994 was...less than ideal. What we thought was groundbreaking now seems like the stone age. This paper insert from Best Buy is no different. It's from the week of October 23, 1994,


15 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were Alive In The 90s

The 90s was an interesting time. Everyone was wearing bright colors and their hair was perfectly crimped and tied up in a scrunchies. There were a lot of things that we had to do that kids today wouldn't understand in the least, but it's always hilarious to remember them. While we often remember them as simpler times, honestly, there were a lot of components that we had to keep track of. These are just some of the things those of us who lived through the 90s remember having to do.  1. Rewinding VHS tapes on a separate machineWikipedia2. Checking


11 Things That Were Totally Normal In The '90s That We Wouldn't Be Caught Dead Doing Now

Growing up in the 90s feels like it was a million years ago. The world has changed so much in a short amount of time that it's sometimes hard to keep track of everything that's different. It changes as we age, but it isn't until you look back that you really see the full extent of the differences. Whether it's how you acted, what you wore, or even just the technology you used, times have really changed. Obviously there are a lot of things that aren't really applicable to your personal interests anymore now that you are grown up, but


Robot Dogs Are Coming Back And We're Having Serious Flashbacks

Do you remember the AIBO, a robot dog Sony first started selling in 1999? How about Poo-Chi, manufactered by Sega Toys that was released in 2000 and discontinued in 2002? Hitting the toy market in the late 90s, robot dogs were all the rage. Everyone thought them to be top-end technology and they were certainly on many kid's wishlists for Christmas. MashableThe Poo-Chi was one of the best virtual pets that everyone really wanted. OdysseyThe AIBO was able to develop from a newborn puppy to an adult with a personality that was shaped by the interaction of their owners and


11 Things From Your Childhood You Don't Even Remember

Obviously things have changed a lot since we were kids. With technology moving as quickly as it does, there are things that we used to do that seem completely outrageous now. The things that were normal even five or ten years ago seem completely archaic and ridiculous now. There are definitely a few things that seem to stand out more than others though, especially when it comes to the things you forgot that you used to do regularly. Being able to listen to music on a kiosk before buying itJohnOliverMusicThese are probably still around in some malls, but a lot


10 Cell Phones We All Desperately Wanted To Own In The Early 2000s

Back in the early 2000s, owning a cell phone wasn't a common thing like it is now. It seems like every kid is born with an iPhone in their hand, but back in our day we had to earn it! We either needed to buy one ourselves, or successfully annoy our parents until we got one. There were a lot of them that we all remember wishing for when we were young, which of these did you always want? Nokia 3310The SunWe all knew that getting this phone meant that we would get to play 'Snake', and that was all