
7 Things We All Had To Do In The 80s That Kids Today Wouldn't Believe

The 80s were a pretty crazy time. We all accidentally inhaled a lot of Aquanet hairspray, everything was very colorful, and we all were busy watching MTV. Times have changed a lot in the last 30+ years, and now the world is barely recognizable. So much was different, especially for kids. Kids don't grow up the same way that we used to. They don't have the same issues that we did, they don't have the same hobbies as we did, and they certainly would have no idea how to handle themselves back in the 80s. If you were to send


10 Agonizing Struggles We All Went Through That Kids Today Just Won't Understand

When we were kids, there were a lot of situations that frustrated us. We were young, our hormones were going up, down, and all over the place, and we just couldn't keep our angst in line. However there were certain things that seemed to set it off more than others. Whether it was a minor inconvenience or a major struggle, there were just some things that were absolutely painful to us. Looking back, they seem trivial and minute, but you know what, we were entitled to feel what we felt... Right? 1. The agony of realizing there is no tape


John Goodman Opens Up About How His TV Wife Helped Him Beat His Addiction

John Goodman was basically America's dad. His portrayal of Dan Conner made us all feel like he was the best dad in the world, and we all wished he was around for us like he was there for his kids. However, in real life, Goodman has struggled with some really big issues that he has opened up about a fair bit. Goodman even credits his Roseanne costars as helping him come out on the other side. Roseanne Barr is well know for her honesty and when it comes to her friends, she's not afraid to step in when they need


15 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were Alive In The 90s

The 90s was an interesting time. Everyone was wearing bright colors and their hair was perfectly crimped and tied up in a scrunchies. There were a lot of things that we had to do that kids today wouldn't understand in the least, but it's always hilarious to remember them. While we often remember them as simpler times, honestly, there were a lot of components that we had to keep track of. These are just some of the things those of us who lived through the 90s remember having to do.  1. Rewinding VHS tapes on a separate machineWikipedia2. Checking


15 Things All 90s Kids Hope To Never Suffer Through Again

Growing up in the 90s had a pretty unique set of stressful situations. Sure, it was never life or death, but sometimes it really felt like it. 90s kids experienced their own struggles, ones that kids today wouldn't understand at all.  They have their own problems, sure, but ours were pretty much the worst. I mean, of course we think that because they were our problems, but still! Check out the problems and see if any of these sound familiar:You lost your favorite Lip Smacker and can't find it in store anymore RetrolandWhen your bangs or your bowl


10 All-Too-Real Struggles Kids Today Will Never Have To Go Through

I realize that kids today think they have things really hard, but that could not be further from the truth. You don't get to have smartphones and Google and complain about a hard life. Know what's a hard life? Encyclopedias.These are some things kids today will never have to experience, and it's probably for the best. 1. Passing NotesStop Me If You've Heard This OneThe folding, the risk taking, and the intricate details you included in your doodles. Passing notes was the coolest thing you could do. And if you didn't get one, you felt left out.


10 Real Life Struggles We Survived That Kids Today Won't Understand

Kids today don't know how lucky they have it. I'm sure every single generation has said that since the dawn of time, but it always feels true! There were a lot of things that we remember doing that kids wouldn't even understand, and maybe some that you forgot about now that everything is so much more convenient than it used to be. See if any of these remind you of your childhood! You just didn't really know your extended family that well because Facebook wasn't around and you would only see them on special occasionsHaHaMusmanYou had to carry quarters at


The Biggest Struggles 90s Kids Survived That Kids Today Would Not Understand

Growing up in the 90s presented an interesting set of challenges. We were the first kids to learn about the internet, we were able to survive without DVRs, and we didn't have cellphones. We really had a lot of things going on! There were some problems and struggles that are fairly universal that we all went through, and it's time to air it all out. Let's see if you ever experienced these dreaded problems from the 90s. When you were on the internet but then your parents needed the phoneWhen your tape would get tangled but you didn't have a