
10 Songs From The '80s Your Parents Tried To Ban You From Listening To

According to my mom, 80s music was "too vulgar." She may not have been wrong, there are a lot of songs from the 80s that are still considered risque. My mom wasn't the only one who had that opinion, so many parents thought the same that an American committee was formed in 1985 to increase parental control over the access of children to music deemed "too violent, drug-related, or sexually explicit." Here are some songs that made the Parents Music Resource Center group's "Filthy Fifteen" list, and other songs my parents always scolded me for listening to. 1. "Darling Nikki"


15 Lies You Definitely Told Your Parents As A Teenager

As I've grown up, and looked back at these lies I've told, I started to realize everyone tells the same lies to their parents. If that's the case, our parents definitely knew we were lying the whole time. It could also be that they were incredibly naive and believed we were the angels the hoped we'd be. 1. "I'm going to stay the night at my friends house."Maybe you were going to your friends house, but you definitely weren't staying there. 2. "Report cards haven't come out yet."This was a tricky one because you had to pray that


10 Things You'll Only Understand If You Grew Up With Strict Parents

Everyone who says parents are more strict today clearly never grew up in my household. I'm 25 years old and still get nervous when I have a drink because my parents made me think it was illegal to be drunk. They also made it seem like dating in high school was the end of the world and would derail your entire future. Sure, there may be more parents out there today who impose strict rules on their kids, but let's not pretend there weren't strict parents when we were growing up. This list is sure to give flashbacks to any