'Roseanne' Spinoff Apparently Moving Forward Without Roseanne Barr

The Roseanne cancellation caught a lot of us off guard. The show had done exceptionally well at bringing the Conners back to the small screen and made us all fall in love with them again. However, the star of the show had been sharing some offensive opinions and the network finally decided enough was enough. They no longer wanted to be associated with her and her thoughts, so they canceled the show. ABCRoseanne Barr claimed to have been joking, but even if that's true, her words were unacceptable. Even her castmates were deeply concerned with her words. Sara Gilbert, who


11 Disney Reboots That Are Getting Made, Whether You Want Them Or Not

Disney movies were one of those things that you treasured with all of your heart. If you were anything like me, you had a collection of those white puffy cases on VHS and were really proud of how many you had accumulated. The thing is, Disney has continued making great movies in recent years, even though they don't exactly look how we remember them looking. Sure, everything is a little bit more 3D and perhaps slightly too realistic, but the stories will still hit you right in the heart. However, lately they have been turning their sights onto something a


'Frasier' Wasn't The First Spin Off Of 'Cheers', But No One Wants To Remember The Original

Everyone remembers how iconic Cheers was. It was really one of the greatest shows of its time, and also helped launch another hit sitcom as well. Frasier was one of the longest running sitcoms ever, and as far as spin-offs go, it doesn't get much better! NBCCheers came out in 1982, and continued to run for 275 episodes. The finale of the 11th season aired on May 20, 1993, but shortly after it ended, Frasier began. NBCPremiering in September 1993, Fraiser was the perfect follow up. It was witty and smart, and millions of people loved it. The thing is,