
Froot Loops Cereal Straws Are Coming Back But You Won't Have Long To Get Your Fix

A lot of us may have forgotten about the glory that was Froot Loop Straws, but we shouldn't have. Froot Loops were (and still are) one of the best cereals on the market, and when they released the straw version, all of us collectively lost our minds.Suddenly, there was the easy and delicious way to drink up all that Froot Loop-flavored milk at the end of your breakfast, and then a bonus little treat after the fact. It was absolutely perfect, and when they took them away we all suffered. It has been a while since the classic treat

Food and Snacks

10 Frozen Treats That Were Totally Worth Chasing The Ice Cream Truck Down The Block

There is nothing quite like the thrill of hearing the ice cream truck. That jingle starts to play and you freeze for only a moment to consider whether or not you have any change in your pocket. If you do, you take off running, without any consideration as to if your parents need to know where you've gone. If you don't, you frantically burst through your door and beg whoever is home to give you money, talking so fast that literally no one would be able to understand. When you finally make it within range of the truck, and you

Food and Snacks

10 Snacks From Your Childhood That You Still Think About Today

We can all get a little bit nostalgic at times, whether it's for movies, television, or music, but the thing that always gets us the most is thinking about all the food we used to eat when we were kids. Here's the thing though, sometimes you can still technically get these foods, but are they as good? Never. I think it has got to do with the learned guilt we all get as we get older. We are told that Dunk-a-roos are not a healthy choice, or that Poptarts aren't actually a good part of your balanced breakfast and then


13 Snacks You Ate At Every 80s Birthday Party That You're Going To Start Craving Again

It doesn't matter that you can go to basically any grocery store and find a confetti cake mix. That's not the point. Never again will you be able go to Stacey Whatsherface's house and eat five cupcakes, a whole bag of a Cheetos, and a liter of fruit punch and have it bring you the same amount of joy. Right? Birthday party food just tastes better. The same bag of Cheetos tastes just fifty times better at a birthday party. I don't know why, no one does. It's one of life's greatest mysteries. Birthday party snacks are easily the highlight


Brace Yourself 90s Kids, Planters Cheez Balls Are Back

Who else has been craving Planters Cheez Balls since they vanished in the early 2000s? I know I have. Even though there are other brands that make similar things, nothing has ever been as good. But now, after decades of hearing us whine and cry, Planters has decided to bring them back for a limited time and we are all scrambling to get them. I don't know why their formula is so good, but those little cans of cheesy goodness will return to shelves on July 1st. The Impulsive BuyThey first went out of production in 2006, but after 12

Food and Snacks

The Maker Of Candy Hearts Filed Bankruptcy, But Don't Worry, That's Not The End Of Them

The bankrupt 171-year-old candy maker known for its chalky Necco Wafers and those little inscribed hearts that are everywhere on Valentine's Day got a sweet message from a rival Wednesday: BE MINE.Ohio-based Spangler Candy Co. had the winning $18.83 million bid for the New England Confectionery Co., or Necco, at a federal bankruptcy auction in Boston.The deal from the company that makes Dum Dums lollipops will most likely ensure a future, at least in the short term, for some of the nation's most familiar candies.AP"They're a crowd favorite," said Chris Baker, who sells Necco candies

Food and Snacks

10 Cereals We Haven't Eaten Since We Were Kids, But We Really Wish We Could

Breakfast time is always a pretty exciting part of the day. I mean, at least it is when you're a kid. When you're an adult it means it's time to head out to work, but for kids it's a bit different. When you're young, you have very few responsibilities. Sure, you have to go to school, but it's not really the biggest deal. But even still, we were supposed to start our days off right with a health and well-balanced breakfast. What did we do instead? We ate a bunch of sugary cereal and crashed by snack time.Did we


10 Snacks From Your Childhood That You Didn't Realize You Can Still Get Today

Listen, it's fine to reminisce about all the things we used to have, but sometimes it's downright frustrating to remember everything that you want to eat, and then not be able to eat it. Instead, let's take a moment and remember the good and wonderful companies that are still providing us with super good treats and meals that taste like our childhood. Sure, their health value is questionable at best, but who are we to judge! Enjoy yourself, think of this as the shopping list for your retro theme party! This what you can still get:1. Teddy GrahamsWikipediaStill as

Food and Snacks

Walmart Has Made Their Own Dunk-A-Roos And They Are Everything You've Been Missing

Growing up in the 90s meant you got to experience a lot of things. The peak of boy bands, Olsen twin mania, and a lot of plaid outfits. While we lived through all of these iconic moments we snacked on some pretty awesome things. Planters Cheez Balls were absolutely heaven sent Impulsive BuyCosmic Brownies were (and still are) the best part of your your lunchLittle DebbieKoolaid had flavors that we couldn't get enough of Eighties KidsIf you were lucky enough to get a Lunchables you were the envy of everyone in your classPopSugarCookie Crisp and Oreo O's cereal was somehow


10 Of Our Favorite Childhood Snacks We Still Secretly Love As Adults

Children's taste buds are pretty standard, they like anything sugary or unhealthy. As you grow up, you find new loves for different flavors and foods. As your palette expands, you tend to forget about your favorite childhood foods, that is until you have kids. Although I still eat like a normal human, some of my favorite childhood snacks still have a place in my heart, and they are my guilty pleasure. Here are 10 of our childhood favorites that we still can't say no to. 1. Grilled cheeseI think when I am 80 years old, I will still love a