
There's A Scientific Reason The Music You Loved As A Teenager Is Better

If you take a look at your most recently played songs, what shows up? Is there anything that has been released in the past 10 years? Unlikely. Most of us tend to listen to a lot of nostalgia-inducing music which comes from our childhood and teen years. If you thought you might be along on this, you'd be wrong. In a recent article from the New York Times, it was uncovered that most people base their tastes, music or otherwise, on their formative years. “The most important period for men in forming their adult tastes were ages 13 to 16,


The Y2K Bug Was Actually Much Worse Than We All Remember

History has a funny way of playing tricks on our memory, and the Y2K bug is a good example.The famous computer glitch was devilishly simple: experts worried that computers and programs using a two-digit date system would flip their lids in the year 2000 - when their systems read "00."You probably remember the almost-hysterical panic some people felt before New Year's Eve 1999. Grocery stores across the country noticed more people buying canned goods and bottled water.These days, if we remember Y2K at all, it's remembered as history's greatest anticlimax. The new year came, things were alright,


18 Toys That Seemed Like Freakin' Magic When We Were Kids

There's a famous quote that says "magic's just science that we don't understand yet" and all of these toys are proof of that. As kids these things all seemed like they had to be powered by magic, even though it was mostly just science. Man, I wish life were still that simple. Here are 18 toys that totally blew our minds back then.1. Liquid TimereBayIt was basically just a fancy hourglass, but it was way more fun than just watching a sand one. Tell me that you wouldn't spend just hours watching this if you had the chance.2.


6 News Stories That Defined 1997

Can you believe that we're getting further and further away from that weird and mystifying decade that was the 90s? So much happened that changed the world for years to come, and we all thought that it could easily end with the millennium. It can be hard to remember everything that happened this month, let alone twenty years ago!Hold on, we're about to take a trip down memory lane and check out some of the most astonishing headlines from 1997.President Clinton Bans Human CloningNatureFollowing the famous birth of Dolly the Sheep, the world's first cloned mammal, then-president Bill


Bill Nye The Lawsuit Guy - Iconic TV Show Host Sues Disney for $9 Million

Everyone who grew up in the 90s watched Bill Nye The Science Guy, there is no doubt in my mind. It was essentially required viewing for all of us in school, and even when we weren't in class we would watch it at home. PBSThe fact of the matter was, Bill Nye made science fun and he was such an icon of the decade. Flash forward to 2017, the man is still teaching us about science in his new Netflix show.NetflixThe original show was on the air between 1993-1998, but even though it has been off the air for