
They Told Us They Could Erase Pen, But It Turns Out Blue Erasers Have An Entirely Different Purpose

Going to class and using pen was a pretty confident move. What, you don't think you're going to make a mistake? I spell my own name wrong on a regular basis, how can you be so sure of yourself? Well, then came those blue erasers. The so-called pen erasers would help even those who are overconfident in their spelling abilities. In theory, they were supposed to remove the pen from your paper, or at least that's what we all thought. Instead, we would be left with torn paper and illegible notes. I was always terrified of writing in pen, so


20 Trapper Keepers That Will Almost Make You Wish You Were Going Back To School

There is something about getting new school supplies that makes you completely forget how annoying it is to go back to school. You totally ignore the stress of the tests and the pressure from your classmates, because all of your new pens and pencils are so perfect and new. Branded in the 80sOne of the best things about going back to school was getting yourself all organized to take on a whole new year. The best way to do that? A new Trapper Keeper, obviously! These perfect little treasures helped you keep all your notes and calendars in one place!


10 Back-To-School Essentials We All Begged Our Parents To Buy

So, here's a little secret about me: I used to love back-to-school season. No, I didn't love actually going to school, but the process of buying a bunch of new outfits or school supplies was my favorite time of the year. Maybe it's because we didn't really buy a lot of clothes any other time of the year, so it always felt like my one big chance to try out those cool new styles, but it was always the best time. I think I had more fun picking out my binders and pens than anything though, which always made me