
15 Hilarious Ways To Describe Your Age Without Using Numbers That Are Super Relatable

When you think about how old you are and how much the world has changed it's easy to get a little bitter. Everything is just so very different, and obviously it was so much better when we were young right? People often go to the internet to express their frustrations, and the best example of this right now is the trend of "My Age in a Phrase". Instead of saying how old they are they just use a phrase and it is super relatable. See which one relates to your childhood the most! @ThisGirlInCT@feliciaw5853@fanchiefanch@andtobymakes3@alyssaaburgerr@MrTommyWalter@GraphicandMaybe@


Frosted Tips Are A Thing Again Even Though No One Asked For This

Unless you were Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake, or more recently Guy Fieri, there was no reason to ever have frosted tips. None. Nope. Shush. NO. REASON. Why not just go full blonde? What was the obsession with permanent roots? I'll never know. It was like a calling card for all boy bands: someone NEEDS to have frosted tips or else what is the point.JT had them.SmoshNick Lachey of 98 Degrees fame had them.SmoshJoey Fatone had them.SmoshMark McGrath (ya, remember him?) had them.TeenBut somehow, now that it's 2017, the frosted tips have gotten worse and more