
The Global Gaming World’s Greatest Innovations

Computer games have been entertaining humans for decades. The very earliest rudimentary electronic game was invented in 1947, inspired by the technology behind radar displays in World War Two, although it never went into production. Several other electronic game machines followed, including mathematical strategy game Nim, tic-tac-toe game Oxo and Tennis for Two. However, the 1962 launch of “Spacewar! is considered by many to have been the first official computer game, as one of the earliest examples of a digital arcade game.Since Spacewar! there have been unprecedented advances in video game technology. Computer Space, loosely based on the earlier


Gaming in the 80's

For those that experienced the 80’s, its hard to forget the fond memories of being able to wear bright neon clothes, making mix tapes and working out with Jane Fonda. And for those born after this golden decade, it’s clear to see that the 80’s is still having an impact on future generations, with today’s teens still listening to Bon Jovi whilst fashion stores such as Asos and Topshop are bringing back 80’s fashion style. However, one aspect of the 80’s that was most iconic was the culture of gaming. With the likes of

Pop Culture

13 Ads That Will Make You Appreciate How Much Technology Has Changed Since the '80s

Technology has come a long way in the last few decades. When you look back even ten years ago everything seems so outdated. Oyster MagNow, basically everyone has a little smart phone that they can do pretty much everything they need to do, but back in "the good ol' days" everything was a bit more complicated. These advertisements really give you a little peak into how it used to be, and remind you how much everything has changed.Imagine paying $99 for a brand new gaming system?Huffington PostHey kids, you'll probably do a lot better if you look at