
11 Disney Reboots That Are Getting Made, Whether You Want Them Or Not

Disney movies were one of those things that you treasured with all of your heart. If you were anything like me, you had a collection of those white puffy cases on VHS and were really proud of how many you had accumulated. The thing is, Disney has continued making great movies in recent years, even though they don't exactly look how we remember them looking. Sure, everything is a little bit more 3D and perhaps slightly too realistic, but the stories will still hit you right in the heart. However, lately they have been turning their sights onto something a


12 Hit Movies That Are Being Remade This Year - Whether You Like It Or Not

Everything old is new again, and that's especially true in Hollywood, where film studios are always looking for a sure thing.They're banking on yesterday's blockbusters to be a hit with new audiences, but as we all know remakes of great movies don't always live up to the original.Here are 12 classic movies that are getting remade in 2018:1. Tomb RaiderAlicia Vikander is the new Lara Croft.Warner Bros.Angelina Jolie found box office success when she embodied the famous video game explorer in a pair of movies. The Tomb Raider games are still going strong after more

Pop Culture

8 Movies That Deserve A Second Chance

As the years go by, and ideas for movies and television are stretched to their maximum, we are seeing a number of movies that are being rebooted or remade. Some are far better than others (cough, cough, Spider-Man, Batman), but nine times out of ten, the remakes turn out to be a lot better than the originals. It is just a matter of the movies being ahead of their time, and they just didn't have the technology or resources to do them justice the first time around.Some of them were great for their time, but could become something unimaginable


4 Knight Rider Spin-offs Even The Most Die-Hard Fans Didn't Know Existed

Back in the weird and wonderful world of 1982, a hit new show was about to make its mark on television history. In a police detective meets science fiction series, David Hasselhoff plays the Foundation for Law and Government (F.L.A.G.) agent Michael Knight, who cruises in the legendary high-tech vehicle KITT fighting crime wherever his wheels take him. The show was immensely popular with its snappy lines and tough stance on justice, bringing with it a whole wave of cultural references that we all use today without realizing it. Even though the original series only lasted for