
10 Tech Problems We All Suffered Through in the 90s

The 90s were a time for great tech disasters and we loved every minute of it. Here's 10 times your head felt like it was going to explode due to technology being annoying:1. Your mom not wanting to take you to Blockbuster.There's no better way to ruin a Friday night than your mom telling you she won't take you to Blockbuster. Also devastating: If your mom let's you go to Blockbuster but when your try to convince her to buy movie snacks in the line she says, "We have food at home." The whole Blockbuster experience was an


15 Things All 90s Kids Hope To Never Suffer Through Again

Growing up in the 90s had a pretty unique set of stressful situations. Sure, it was never life or death, but sometimes it really felt like it. 90s kids experienced their own struggles, ones that kids today wouldn't understand at all.  They have their own problems, sure, but ours were pretty much the worst. I mean, of course we think that because they were our problems, but still! Check out the problems and see if any of these sound familiar:You lost your favorite Lip Smacker and can't find it in store anymore RetrolandWhen your bangs or your bowl


5 'Friends' Plot Holes That Are So Huge They're Basically Unforgivable

Watching Friends in the 90s was basically a requirement. We all had to tune in because everyone was going to be talking about what happened the next day at work or school! It was basically the most popular show in the country, so it was either keep up, or get confused. The problem was that sometimes staying caught up led to some confusing realizations. NBCIt's not completely abnormal for there to be continuity errors in shows, but you would think a huge show like Friends would be able to keep them under control. I guess you don't know at the


13 Of The Worst Things That Could Possibly Happen To You In The 90s

Growing up we had a lot of stuff going on. There were new technologies being thrown at us every day, a crazy new fashion styles that seemed to change every year, and we were all going through puberty.That's a a lot for kids to handle! We were all being challenged mentally, emotionally and physically. The trials and tribulations we went through maybe weren't the most dramatic things ever compared to other generations, but they were ours and it's pretty hilarious to look back at what used to be our biggest problems. 1. Bottoms of your baggy pants getting soaked


The Biggest Struggles 90s Kids Survived That Kids Today Would Not Understand

Growing up in the 90s presented an interesting set of challenges. We were the first kids to learn about the internet, we were able to survive without DVRs, and we didn't have cellphones. We really had a lot of things going on! There were some problems and struggles that are fairly universal that we all went through, and it's time to air it all out. Let's see if you ever experienced these dreaded problems from the 90s. When you were on the internet but then your parents needed the phoneWhen your tape would get tangled but you didn't have a


The 10 Worst Possible Things That Could Ever Happen To You At School

Being a kid was pretty great. We got to play all the time, we had no bills, and our responsibilities were limited to making our beds. However, we never appreciated it at the time. Instead we would whine and complain all about how tragic our lives were and how unfair everything was. There were so many things that the mean adults would do that made our lives just totally awful and it's hard to understand how we survived. Some things were pretty brutal, so if you are brave enough to relive the trauma, check out the list below. Next time