
Seeing Aqua 20 Years After "Barbie Girl" Will Make You Say "My, Oh My"

If you were to think of the 90s, there are a few bands that would come to mind. Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, and Aqua. They may not have had quite as many hits as the others, but their songs were truly unique and iconic.AlchetronTheir hit breakthrough single "Barbie Girl" came out in 1997, almost ten years after the Danish band was originally formed. They finally were able to get worldwide success and grow their fan base to an impressive level. The band ran into some legal trouble over their mega-hit because the company who made Barbies didn't like


Garth Brooks Pretending To Be Chris Gaines Is Honestly Just Peak '90s

Everyone has heard of Garth Brooks. Whether you listened to him when you were younger, or your parents were obsessed with him, Garth Brooks was everywhere in the 90s. ART+MarketingThe one thing a lot of people seem to forget is that Brooks took a little break from country music to attempt to have a rock and roll career. He left behind his cowboy hat and his signature goatee while he fully immersed himself in the rock lifestyle, complete with a new name. WideOpenCountryChris Gaines was Brooks' "rock and roll" character that he decided to take on, but not a


The Truth Behind 'New Coke' And Why They Thought It Was A Good Idea To Change A Classic

Basically everyone has had a Coca Cola beverage in their life. Whether it's a classic Coca-Cola, Diet Coke or Sprite, the company makes a bunch of different flavors that we all remember drinking since we were kids. The thing is, there has always been this weird period of time that we hear about when Coca-Cola messed up royally. Some of us even remember it first-hand, but do you actually know the truth behind Coca-Cola's attempted 'New Coke' fiasco? CocaColaHow it startedCoca-Cola had been the leading soda company in the country for decades, but by the early 80s, they were losing


Police Officers 'Want It That Way' And Aren't Afraid To Show It

No one can resist The Backstreet Boys. Their music is too catchy. If you lived through the 90s it will be ingrained into your memory for your entire life. It's just one of those things that found a way to get embedded deep in our brains, so all it takes a couple notes before we start singing the whole song. GiphyIt turns out that even though we are all growing up now and, you know, getting real jobs, you can never shut off that nostalgia filter that all our thoughts run through - even if you are a cop. GiphyRight

Food and Snacks

Jolt Cola Is Coming Back So We're Never Gonna Sleep Ever Again

Jolt Cola is back! The original and best caffeinated soda that we all loved in the 80s and 90s has finally come back into our lives and we are totally psyched! Jolt ColaWe've been so lucky lately, because all our favorite drinks have come back. We had a resurgence of Orbitz, Cystal Pepsi and even Zima, but it's not really the one that we wanted. The real thing we've been hoping would come back was Jolt Cola. Now, we are finally seeing that dream become the reality. @RealJoltColaBefore there was Red Bull or Monster energy drinks, there was only one


20 Songs From The 80s That Never Fail To Get Stuck In Your Head

The 80s was a time of big hair, bright clothes and the best music. There were crazy fun pop hits, awesome rock songs and crazy synth music that was taking over everything. The most notable thing? All of these songs would get completely stuck in your head. GiphyYou would be having a perfectly normal day, but then you'd hear one of these songs and then the rest of your afternoon was spent singing and dancing to a song no one else could hear. Think you  can make it through this list without getting one of these stuck in your