
Stirrup Pants Are Back In Style And We Don't Know How To Feel About It

We've all been there, the mall with our moms impatiently waiting to go to the toy section. She wants us to buy some new pants for school because we tore three holes in them last week. She says you have to try things on because you are growing too fast and she isn't sure what size you are, but honestly, there is nothing you want to do less than that. You rush through everything quickly, finding the size you need and then it isn't until years later when you look at the pictures of your childhood that you realize what


7 Things About JNCO Jeans That, Like Your Feet, You Never Saw Coming

Who ever was in charge of sizing in the 90s was not really doing a great job. Crop tops were just tiny little chunks of fabric, the skirts seemed to be lacking in length, but there was one piece of clothing that seemed to find all of that missing fabric: JNCO Jeans. JNCO jeans seemed to think that because the rest of the clothes were using less fabric, that they should double up and make their pants wider, baggier, and super heavy. Nothing says fashion-forward like a pair of pants that weigh as much as the kid wearing them! Everyone