
The Trailer For The Mr. Rogers Documentary Has Been Released And It's Absolutely Heartwarming

Few things are as sacred as Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. The classic PBS children's show was on for 31 seasons, and even though it hasn't been filmed since 2001, it's still beloved to this day. Fred Rogers hosted the show with a kindness that can best be described as neighborly - at least that's what I think he would want to be described as. He was sweet, caring, and honest with his viewers, teaching them all the things they needed to learn.Every show started with the same song, while Rogers pulled on a cozy cardigan and asked us all if


Why Michael Keaton Deserves Way More Credit Than We Give Him

In the last few years, we've seen a ton of new movies being released with famous actor Michael Keaton. Yet it seems that throughout this revival of his reputation, we're still stuck picturing him from his most famous motion pictures, some of them giving him a slightly ridiculous image. But Keaton is actually quite a capable actor, with many serious and moving roles to his name. Here are just a few that you may have forgotten about. Mister Rogers NeighborhoodThis Is Not PornKeaton got one of his first major roles on the beloved children's show as a volunteer, but would

Pop Culture

12 Weird But True Facts About 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood'

Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood is one of those shows that you remembered watching no matter how old you are today. Unlike many fictional characters that appeared on TV at the time, Mr. Fred Rogers was real and had very important messages to deliver to his audience. He also did it in a unique way that his show apart from other children's shows. PlaybuzzThe show ran from 1966 to 2001 which means that while most of us have seen many of the episodes, there were some things we might have missed. Here are 12 weird but true facts about the friendly Mr.