
7 Important Questions We All Asked Ourselves While Making Mix CDs

The process of making a mix CD was an important and carefully thought out procedure. A lot of planning was involved, a good amount of time, and of course, big decisions. Is that Backstreet Boys song going to come on after that *NSYNC song, or should I separate them with some Spice Girls in between? Or are you supposed to try and download some cool new songs and risk wasting space for things you end up hating? It's a lot to think about that kids today just will never know. Here were all the questions that would run through our


This One Teen's Tweet About Burning CDs Will Honestly Ruin Your Day

All of us who would consider ourselves to be 80s and 90s kids aren't really that old, right? We are still in the prime of our lives, and a lot of us still feel like we're just getting started on our path to being a "real grown-up." Maybe it's not the greatest that a lot of us still feel young, but times have changed since our parents were in their 30s. We've learned how to chill out and take our time in our lives. There's no rush, so let's all just relax and try to stay young longer.Here's the