
The Cast Of 'Back To The Future' Reunited And Great Scott, It Was Perfect

All of us have thought about time travel at one point or another. Whether it was thinking about where you'd like to go, or how fun it would be, it's definitely crossed each of our minds. A lot of our obsession with time travel is no doubt caused by the popularity of Back to the Future, and how much fun it looks like it would be. Sure, Marty McFly ran into a few issues here and there, but it all worked out in the end! The movie (and its two sequels) made us believe that anything was possible as long


5 Iconic Movie Scenes That Almost Killed Their Stars

We all know what it's like to be sitting on the edge of your seat during a particular scene, just waiting to see how our favorite character was going to get out of the life-or-death situation. It's nerve-wracking, but we can always take a breather and remember that they were never in any real danger. But that's not always the case. Here are some of the most famous scenes that almost cost stars their lives, but were kept in anyways!Back To The Future: Part 3CheatSheetDid you find yourself short of breath while watching this scene? So did Michael J.


6 Facts About "Teen Wolf" That Will Leave You Howling

Who else was stalking a full-moon when this low-budget cult classic hit the big screens? This comedy-drama gave us the typical story of a young boy just trying to make his way through high school. A guy is ignored by his crush, he can't play basketball well, he has hair growing from weird places on his body, you, know average stuff. Oh, and he's a werewolf. Michael J. Fox absolutely nailed this performance that had us rolling on the ground from laughter, and yet also taught us some pretty rad life lessons. Just not from Coach Finstock. Here are some