
15 Toys You Completely Forgot You Used To Love When You Were A Kid

It's hard to keep track of all the amazing toys and games we had as kids. There were just too many awesome ones! Remembering everything we had is a little tricky off the top of your head, but chances are you had some of the toys off this list! Barrel of MonkeysEbayShape-O-BallEbayChatter Box TelephoneEbayBreak Dancing CanEbayGlow WormEbayLittle People Play Family GarageEbaySing-A-Long Tape RecorderEbayThere are even more memories on the next page! Lite BriteEbayMagic SlateEbayEtch A SketchEbayDoctor's KitsEbayArt Supply KitsFunny JunkSticky HandsEbayFisher Price Roller SkatesEbayFashion PlatesEbayHow many of these do you remember? Share in the comments!


13 Jingles You Still Remember Every Word To - Even Though You Wish You Didn't

So of us watched a lot of TV when we were kids. Our parents often said it was too much but oh well. TelegrafiWe honestly spent hours in front of the television, whether it was watching One Saturday Morning or TGIF. We had our schedules and we stuck to them. The thing was, back then we couldn't fast forward commercials like we do now. We had to endure each repeated jingle countless times while enjoying the latest episode of Boy Meets World or Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And those songs really knew how to get into your head and stay


11 Characters From Your Favorite Shows You Probably Can't Name

We all had our favorite shows when we were kids and watched them religiously. The thing is, it's been a long time since we last caught up with Sabrina or Pepper Ann, so the details of the show have since faded away. Giphy Trying to remember all these characters honestly brings back so many memories. It's crazy to think that we used to know all of these names without a doubt, but now each of them takes a bit of time to dig out of our minds. Can you manage to remember all of these characters' names? 1. 2.ABC3.


15 Of The Most Nostalgic Smells That Will Bring You Right Back To Your Childhood

Your sense of smell tends to spark some of the strongest memories in your entire brain. It's almost as if smelling certain things will make you time travel, if only for a second, to whatever moment in time you first experienced it. There are some smells we all recognize and can probably remember the exact smell without having to have the actual thing in front of us. Here are some of the most memorable smells that will spark all the nostalgic feelings .1. Fresh box of crayons2. Scented markers 3. The smell of a Cabbage Patch Doll4. The dusty chalk


13 Things That People Miss From The 90s That'll Give You Serious Nostalgia

The 90s were a pretty magical time. We had neon pants, crimped hair, and the best Nintendo games ever. There was a Disney renaissance, TV sitcoms were epic, and the music was everything we could ever hope it would be. Looking back, it's hard to pick just one thing that stands out as the most iconic moment of the 90s, but really you don't have to. We all have enough 90s love to remember it all. People on Twitter spent their weekend sharing what their favorite things about the 90s were and now we are having some pretty intense flashbacks


20 Retro Products Every Nostalgia Addict Needs To Make Their Home Complete

I think we can all agree that we all have a bit of an obsession with our past. There's something special about the time that we grew up that makes us want to hold onto it harder and harder as we get older. Sure, maybe we are just trying to put off the inevitable, or maybe we are just finally capable of getting all the stuff we wish we could have gotten as kids. There's also the fact that now that we are now living on our own, we get to pick the decor and if we want it all


McDonald's Was Better When We Were Kids, And Here's Why

Going to McDonald's was one of the main highlights of our childhoods. It was a rare event, but when it happened, it was basically like going into an amusement park with chicken nuggets. Not only did you get a great meal that in your opinion was full of nutritional value, but you got a kickass toy and a fun time in an awesome play place. Let's revisit all the best parts about your childhood trips to McDonald's:Obviously you have to start with the Happy MealOur mom had a rule where we couldn't open our toys until we ate our