'The Jerry Springer Show' Is Ending, But We'll Never Forget These Iconic Moments

After over 4,000 episodes, 27 seasons, and countless fights, The Jerry Springer Show is ending. That's right, never again will we hear the crowd yell, "JERRY, JERRY" as a bunch of people throw chairs at each other on stage. The thing is, because the show has been on so long, we all tended to take it for granted. We just assume that we can turn the TV on at any time and watch some ridiculous fight about some topic that we didn't know was an issue. But there are a lot of things we will miss about the show.


10 Things You Haven't Thought About In Forever That'll Make You Miss Being A Kid

Being a kid is pretty awesome. You don't have to pay bills, your fridge is just always stocked with your favorite foods even though you never went to the grocery store, and honestly school isn't that hard (at least compared to grown up life). There are obviously a lot of things we miss about being a kid, but if you asked if I wanted to go back in time I would say absolutely not. I don't want to go through puberty again, no thank you. Instead, I'm just going to remember all the things that I used to love, without


Macaulay Culkin Opens Up About 'Home Alone' And 'My Girl' In New Interview With Ellen

Macaulay Culkin was one of the biggest stars of the 90s. He was in so many of our childhood favorites including both of the Home Alone movies, My Girl, and Richie Rich. His ability to act so well at such a young age gave him an advantage over a lot of the other child stars at the time, and by the time he was a teenager he had been in over a dozen movies. It wasn't easy being a child star, and when he was 14 he decided to take time off to go to high school and live a


10 Memories We All Have Of Toys 'R' Us That Our Kids Will Never Understand

There was no event, no holiday, and no party that had the capability to bring the same amount of joy as a trip to Toys 'R' Us could. Okay sure, you can argue that Christmas was better, or your birthday was more fun, but think about it, Toys 'R' Us visits could happen at any time, but holidays are once a year. Okay, call me crazy, but it was absolutely the most fun outings ever, even if your parents didn't let you buy any toys. Why was it so fun just to wander around a store? Well, this may change


20 Statements You Haven't Heard Since You Were A Kid That'll Flood Your Brain With Memories

Growing up, there are always phrases that are pretty specific to the time period. It's the same for every generation. There's always those statements that seem so relevant at the time, but looking back it feels ridiculous. Think about it, our parents didn't have flat screen TVs, a Nintendo, or the internet, those only became popular when we were kids. We are really lucky to have grown up in the time that we did, because we have gotten to experience the insanely fast technological advances that have been going on. Remember your first internet experience? You can probably still hear


'Growing Pains' Stars Reunite To Reveal Their Favorite Memories From The Show We All Loved

Watching Growing Pains was one of the highlights of our week when we were kids. The Seaver family meant a lot to us, and it was such a sad day when it ended. Alan Thicke was the amazing patriarch of the family, but it was the kids that we all cared about. Kirk Cameron's character, Mike, was stealing hearts, Tracy Gold's character, Carol, was inspiring students, and Jeremy Miller's character, Ben, was causing trouble, but we loved him anyway. Recently, the three iconic and original Seaver children got together to share some of their favorite moments, and it makes us


8 Memories We All Have From Elementary School Lunch Time

Elementary school lunches were something that I will never forget. I have no idea why they were so memorable, but they are what I remember most from school. 1. Halloween trade-off.Ah November 1st, National Candy Trade-Off Day. This was the one day a year that every kid would come to school with a lunch box full of candy, and whatever your mom packed you underneath it, which did not matter. If you were smart, you brought all the candy you got from the night before that you hated. Everyone traded off, and the best candy went to the highest


11 Photos Of '90s Fast Food Restaurants That Will Bring Back So Many Delicious Memories

Growing up, there were very few things that got us as excited as when our parents told us that they were taking us out to our favorite fast food joint. While the food and the affordable prices played a huge role, there were many other things that these eateries offered that made us obsessed with them. McDonald's Play Places, anyone? Many fast food restaurants in the 90s had cool and vibrant interiors that made them even more inviting. However, as the world changed, so did most of these restaurants' brands, appearances, and menus. We don't truly realize just how much


20 Pictures That'll Make You Long For The Last Great Decade: The '90s

Before the turn of the century, there was a decade like no other.In this time, there was pop music that everyone could agree on, dance moves that made everyone want to move their bodies, sitcoms that made everyone laugh and fashion we all still love today. Bucks FargoThe '90s were filled with so much nostalgia that it would take thousands of pictures to bring back all our favorite childhood memories. Here are 20 pictures that will do the '90s some justice.1. Breakfast had more magic to it back in the day.Cove of Solitude2. You had to catch


20 Things From Your Childhood So Old They're Literally In A Museum

Museums and exhibits are popping up showcasing everything that was great about our childhood. That's awesome, but displaying all these relics makes us feel old, and the last thing we need is to be reminded that we're aging. Here are 10 things that defined your childhood and can now be found in a glass case. 20. Oh, the memories! The Atari 2600, a Simple Simon and a Tandy portable computer can now be found at a Devon Museum in the Southern U.K. Devon Live19. Our digital pet friends will never see the light of day.  BuzzFeed18. If they