
15 Things From Your Childhood Kids Today Won't Believe

The differences between our childhoods and those of kids today are mind-blowing. We grew up on the fence of both generations. A lot of us would prefer to use technology today, but we still understand the importance of playing outside or turning the phones off for a night. The generations after us have it pretty easy, to be honest. We paved the way for some truly useful inventions. Scroll through this list of things from your childhood and try to imagine kids today doing them! Odds are they would need a hand. 1. Going to Blockbuster and picking out ONE


12 Normal Things 80's Kids Did At School That Wouldn't Happen Today

Times sure have changed from the 80's. It seems as though everything has become dependent on technology and there's been a crazy increase in helicopter parenting. So what's changed in the school world? Can it really be that different? The answer is yes. Things have definitely gotten a little more strict and little less fun-loving since we were in grade school. And who knows? Maybe it's justified. But honestly it just seems like today's kids are missing out!Here are some totally normal things we'd do at school in the 80's but would not fly today. 1. Actually Choosing a