
Looking Back At 80s Arcades Will Make You Want To Time Travel Because Nothing Will Ever Be Better

Wanting to play a video game in the 80s meant that you had to physically leave your house and go somewhere dedicated to playing them. It wasn't anything like the way we play games now, where all we have to do is turn on the TV or even just look at our phones. Back then, we had to grab all the quarters we could find and bike down to the local arcade and then wait patiently for our turn. Obviously times have changed, but the excitement of going to the arcade is something we still remember. Sure, there are still


8 Memories Of Your 80s Bike That Will Take You Back

Riding your bike was like having a license to go anywhere (as long as you were home when the street lights came on.) In the 80s, our bikes were a way to express ourselves and act like we were a little older than we were. If you wanted to sound like a motorcycle, all you had to do was grab a clothespin and a playing card, attach it to your spokes, and you were good to go. These are some of the other bike memories that kids from the 80s will definitely remember. 1. BMX BikesOld Line ClubNothing felt cooler


15 Things We Grew Up With In The '90s That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

It can be painful to consider just how much time has passed since the '90s (seriously don't think too hard about it) and how much of day-to-day life has changed since then. ImgurBut it's hard not to be reminded when you start to realize some things that were 100% totally fine then are now at best completely unacceptable, and at worst worthy of complete social exile. Here are some of the things we never thought twice about doing in the '90s that we definitely wouldn't get away with today.1. Showing up at someone's house completely unannouncedNobody saw any problems


They Brought Back The Classic 80s Arcades From Your Childhood That You've Been Missing And We Want To Go

Video games in the 80s were completely different than they are now. Now we can all play our games on the go, but in the 80s you had to go to a specific building if you wanted to enjoy some kind of electronic fun. As time went on and home units became the norm, these magical buildings we all knew and loved started to fade away. We didn't need the arcades anymore, we could play our games on our own TVs, but there was never the same community feeling. We used to all gather around the machine because someone was


Tupac's Murder Weapon Was Found, But No One Knows Where It Is

On September 7, 1996, Tupac Shakur was murdered. The 25-year-old rapper was fatally shot during a drive-by in Las Vegas. Shakur was struck four times with .40 caliber rounds fired from a Glock. Sun UKShakur was in a car with Suge Knight, when they were stopped by Las Vegas police officers for playing their stereo too loud at 11:05 p.m. They were released a few minutes later without being cited, and just 10 minutes later, a four-door white Cadillac pulled up next to Knight and Shakur, rolled down a window, and opened fire. Las Vegas 360Tupac Shakur's death