
7 Things We All Had To Do In The 80s That Kids Today Wouldn't Believe

The 80s were a pretty crazy time. We all accidentally inhaled a lot of Aquanet hairspray, everything was very colorful, and we all were busy watching MTV. Times have changed a lot in the last 30+ years, and now the world is barely recognizable. So much was different, especially for kids. Kids don't grow up the same way that we used to. They don't have the same issues that we did, they don't have the same hobbies as we did, and they certainly would have no idea how to handle themselves back in the 80s. If you were to send


10 Things You Haven't Thought About In Forever That'll Make You Miss Being A Kid

Being a kid is pretty awesome. You don't have to pay bills, your fridge is just always stocked with your favorite foods even though you never went to the grocery store, and honestly school isn't that hard (at least compared to grown up life). There are obviously a lot of things we miss about being a kid, but if you asked if I wanted to go back in time I would say absolutely not. I don't want to go through puberty again, no thank you. Instead, I'm just going to remember all the things that I used to love, without


10 Agonizing Struggles We All Went Through That Kids Today Just Won't Understand

When we were kids, there were a lot of situations that frustrated us. We were young, our hormones were going up, down, and all over the place, and we just couldn't keep our angst in line. However there were certain things that seemed to set it off more than others. Whether it was a minor inconvenience or a major struggle, there were just some things that were absolutely painful to us. Looking back, they seem trivial and minute, but you know what, we were entitled to feel what we felt... Right? 1. The agony of realizing there is no tape


7 Important Questions We All Asked Ourselves While Making Mix CDs

The process of making a mix CD was an important and carefully thought out procedure. A lot of planning was involved, a good amount of time, and of course, big decisions. Is that Backstreet Boys song going to come on after that *NSYNC song, or should I separate them with some Spice Girls in between? Or are you supposed to try and download some cool new songs and risk wasting space for things you end up hating? It's a lot to think about that kids today just will never know. Here were all the questions that would run through our


10 Places In the Mall You Absolutely Had To Go To When You Were A Kid

Going to the mall when we were kids was both a privilege and a requirement. Your mom always called it a treat to go, but you knew better. That's where you had to go if you wanted to keep up with all the trends and latest fashions. Malls were where everything happened. That's where the cool hangouts were, it's where all the good food was, and obviously it was where you could learn about all the newest and coolest trends. Sure, looking because it's easy to say that you shouldn't worry about being cool, but when you're young and impressionable


10 Things We Grew up Doing That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

There's something so complicated about getting older, because it's not just our bodies that changes, it's the world around us. So while we get older and start experiencing all these aches and pains (hey mystery back spasm, I'm talking to you), we also have to accept the fact that things that used to seem normal to us are no longer acceptable. Gone are the days of saying things without a second thought, or doing things without technology, because the world is a different place than it used to be. Granted it changes every year, and I'm sure our childhood was


'Heathers' Reboot Pushed Back "Out Of Respect"

The 1988 movie Heathers was basically the original Mean Girls. Winona Ryder, Shannen Doherty, Lisanne Falk, and Kim Walker played a clique of high school girls who were the epitome of terrifying teens. Ryder's character, Veronica, misses her old friends and hates that she's part of the Heathers. Her psychotic boyfriend J.D., played by Christian Slater, goes around killing all the people he doesn't like, which includes the Heathers. Ah, to be young again! The movie is a cult classic, and gave us iconic lines like "What's your damage?" and "f--k me gently with a chainsaw..." But people were

Pop Culture

Remember Sloth From "The Goonies?" The Man Behind The Mask Lived A Very Tragic Life

The 80s adventure film The Goonies was one of my favorites while growing up. Steven Spielberg and Richard Donner's cult-classic about a group of outcasts in search for a treasure to save their neighborhood incorporated a lot of things that I did as a kid, like making my own toys and riding my bike around the neighborhood, but it also touched on things that I fantasized about as a kid, including teaming up with my friends and going on an adventure sans adults. The characters were also really lovable and memorable, especially the gentle chocolate and ice cream-loving giant named


12 Things That Only Make Sense If You Grew Up In The '80s

Kids today probably couldn't handle growing up in the '80s. You had to walk everywhere, there were corded phones, we had slow video games, we watched a lot of commercials, and had "basic" toys.Things have really improved since then, but at least we had a young Patrick Swayze. I've been feeling very nostalgic about the '80s. It honestly was a great time to grow up. Here are 12 things that only makes sense if you grew up in the best decade ever! 1. Constantly having to give your opinion on who was better, Madonna or Cyndi Lauper. Madonna seems


10 Awful Truths Kids From The '90s Are Only Just Realizing Now

Growing up in the 90s, we had a lot of lies told to us. For example, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Didn't you though, Bill?However, there are some more subtle things from our childhoods that we're just starting to come around to, and some of them have me SHOOK (did I used that right? I can never tell). 1. That "farm" wasn't a real place. When I was young, my caregiver had a litter of bunnies. I wasn't allowed to take one home (because my parents were smarter than that) but I got to choose