
13 Things Kids Today Can't Recognize

The world is very convenient for kids today. Almost everything is instant, computers have made life a lot easier, and there are lots more ways to keep yourself entertained and distracted all the time.But if you grew up before all of that, you know that things weren't worse, they were just different. Take the grocery store for instance. Self-checkouts are supposed to make things easier, but now we can't interact with the cashiers anymore. If you can remember a simpler time, you'll probably recognize these 13 objects that we don't use anymore. Some have been replaced by new technology,


14 Things Every 90s Kid Did On The Weekend

Weekends as a 90s kid were amazing. There were no shows to binge-watch, no phones to sit on, no tweets to Twitter. All you had to do was be a kid. Sure, you probably did the same thing every weekend, but that doesn't mean you didn't have the time of your life!Here are some classic things we all did as 90s kids on the weekend. See if you remember any of them!1. Head home right away to watch TGIF TVBecause if you didn't see that episode of Full House, you were going have to wait until the summer


12 Normal Things 80's Kids Did At School That Wouldn't Happen Today

Times sure have changed from the 80's. It seems as though everything has become dependent on technology and there's been a crazy increase in helicopter parenting. So what's changed in the school world? Can it really be that different? The answer is yes. Things have definitely gotten a little more strict and little less fun-loving since we were in grade school. And who knows? Maybe it's justified. But honestly it just seems like today's kids are missing out!Here are some totally normal things we'd do at school in the 80's but would not fly today. 1. Actually Choosing a


Build Your Perfect 90s Friday Night By Picking Your 5 Essential Requirements

First, I would like you to imagine that you are at your childhood house at some point in the late 90s. School's out, your older sister is busy talking on the phone with her best friend, and you and your best bud are ready to get this Friday night started. Your parents are gone out on a rare date night, so it's truly time to go completely wild. There were a few things that were an absolute requirement if you were going to have the most epic night ever. You can pick five of these things to build your perfect


15 Cuddly Toys From The '80s That We Couldn't Sleep Without

Growing up in the 80s meant that we didn't have a lot of electronics. Sure, there were some video games at arcades. For the most part we were at home with our imaginations and our stuffed animals. Hundreds of tea parties and teddy bear picnics were held in our living rooms, all featuring a cast of cuddly toys that were so special to us. How many of these toys did you have when you were a kid? Snugglebums@falling_rainNothing says snuggle-friendly than something that lights up when you squeeze it! Glo WormEbayAnother toy that had its own built in