
15 Things All 90s Kids Hope To Never Suffer Through Again

Growing up in the 90s had a pretty unique set of stressful situations. Sure, it was never life or death, but sometimes it really felt like it. 90s kids experienced their own struggles, ones that kids today wouldn't understand at all.  They have their own problems, sure, but ours were pretty much the worst. I mean, of course we think that because they were our problems, but still! Check out the problems and see if any of these sound familiar:You lost your favorite Lip Smacker and can't find it in store anymore RetrolandWhen your bangs or your bowl


The Original Creepy Crawlers Machines Will Make You Wonder How Kids Survived The 60s

Even though we all remember playing with those Creepy Crawler machines when we were kids, they were at one point considered an incredibly dangerous toy! YouTubeThe toy was around long before many of us were born. It was actually released back in 1964 under the name Creepy Crawlers' Thingmaker. Vintage ToysIt came with a little oven that you would use to cook up your chemicals, but the super hot temperature of the oven was only half the problem. EtsyWhile giving your kid an oven that reached 350 degrees is dangerous, it was nothing compared to the chemicals they were breathing


15 Toys You Completely Forgot You Used To Love When You Were A Kid

It's hard to keep track of all the amazing toys and games we had as kids. There were just too many awesome ones! Remembering everything we had is a little tricky off the top of your head, but chances are you had some of the toys off this list! Barrel of MonkeysEbayShape-O-BallEbayChatter Box TelephoneEbayBreak Dancing CanEbayGlow WormEbayLittle People Play Family GarageEbaySing-A-Long Tape RecorderEbayThere are even more memories on the next page! Lite BriteEbayMagic SlateEbayEtch A SketchEbayDoctor's KitsEbayArt Supply KitsFunny JunkSticky HandsEbayFisher Price Roller SkatesEbayFashion PlatesEbayHow many of these do you remember? Share in the comments!


20 Pictures That Will Make You Say "Why Can't Adults Have Summers Off?"

There was nothing better than getting to that final day of elementary school and knowing you were going to have two solid months of fun and adventure. You knew that in September you'd have to head back to class, but July and August were free for whatever you could imagine. Everyone had a different idea of what made for the perfect summer. Some kids liked to play outside, others had a bunch of video games they wanted to beat, while others were excited just to relax. No matter what you liked to do, I think we can all agree that


10 Elementary School Situations You Dreaded, But Which Was Really The Worst? (Poll)

Everyone who successfully survives elementary school and middle school really deserve a special award. Some kind of honor bestowed upon them other than just graduating because it really is a crazy time. There are endless amounts of issues you face, not to mention the piles of homework, all while going through puberty? Just seems cruel doesn't it. We all faced a lot of problems growing up, but which do you think was worse?It's time to play a game and find out which was the worst thing we all managed to survive. How did your opinions compare? School was hard


13 Things We All Wasted Our Money On As Kids

When you were a kid, there was no better moment than when your parents said you could have a dollar or two to spend on something fun. What did we do? Did we save it up so we could buy something really cool? Absolutely not! We went to the dollar store and bought the most random and useless thing we could find and treasured it dearly for about four and a half minutes. There are some things that everyone had even though we honestly do not know why. Here are 13 of the most bizarre and useless things we all


10 Movie Moments That Absolutely Destroyed You As A Child

When you are young, you don't really understand that movies are just fun and pretend, sometimes they feel very real. This is why some movies stand out as being a little bit traumatic, whether it's because they were scary or even just horribly sad. There are a few moments that will stick with you forever and probably can still make you cry. If you think you can keep those feelings inside, you are wrong. Here are the top 10 moments that have likely scarred you for life and will absolute make you cry as much as you did when you


9 Dangerous Things Kids Used To Do All The Time

People say that the past is a different country, and it can certainly feel that way looking back on how kids used to behave back in the day.We're not saying all parents nowadays coddle their children, but it's definitely true kids used to be allowed to do some pretty dangerous things. Whether we didn't know any better or we just worry more, kids today will never know what it was like to have an old fashioned childhood where anything was allowed - except bad manners.Take a walk down memory lane with these 9 dangerous things kids don't do