'Blue's Clues' Is Coming Back, But You May Not Like The New Look

We all remember watching Blue's Clues right? Sure, a lot of us were older, but personally I remember the kids I used to babysit being obsessed with it. "There's a clue!" the children would scream at the top of their lungs, and I would cringe, because I knew that Steve wasn't going to hear them. They would only scream louder, but he would pretend like he couldn't see the big blue paw print in the middle of his cartoon house. This would go on for many, many minutes. Steve took care of Blue, while solving the mysteries that she would


7 Variety Shows We All Watched In The 80s That Will Make Your Childhood Flash Before Your Eyes

Watching TV when you were little was always a big treat. When we were kids, there wasn't a screen in every room or in your pocket on your phone. You had to fight for that remote to be able to watch your favorite show. It turned out that the best way to get your siblings to agree on what to watch was often to pick something that tried to have a little something for everyone. So what was better than a variety show? Our parents could tolerate them, and us kids loved them! There were so many goofy skits, great


Pee-Wee Herman Took Matters Into His Own Hands, And It Almost Ruined His Career

The character Pee-wee Herman was intended for kids and was a complete necessity in the '80s. But when the actor behind the bow tie was arrested in 1991, the whole country quickly realized he wasn’t as wholesome as he seemed. Warner BrosPaul Reubens made a name for himself as a comedy icon, but his role as Pee-wee Herman was one that could not be topped by any of his other characters. It didn’t seem to matter that Pee-wee wasn’t real, everyone just assumed they were one and the same. That was, until Reubens was arrested in 1991


The "Family Matters" House Is About To Disappear, But These Other Famous Sitcom Houses Are Still Standing

Family Matters was one of the most iconic shows of the 90s. Steve Urkel may have caused a lot of mayhem in the Winslow house, but that was what made us love him. ABCThe Winslows lived in a house in Chicago, and they managed to survive 9 years of Urkel's invasions. He may have been a bit of a goofball, but we all enjoyed watching his crazy antics. The house was amazing, but now after all these years the city is planning on destroying the house. Google Street ViewThe interior shots were filmed on a set, but the exterior was


A Guide To All The TV Reboots That Are Happening Whether You Want Them Or Not

It seems like everywhere you look, another one of the iconic things from your childhood manages to come back. Whether it's all these Disney movies trying live-action versions, or our old toys, or even our old drinks, the 80s and 90s are definitely back with a vengence. It's getting hard to keep track about all of the reboots and reunions that are going on right now, but luckily we've got you covered. Full House (Now called Fuller House)NetflixWhat is it? The classic 90s sitcom was revamped for Netflix a few years ago. Now DJ, Stephanie and Kimmy all live


10 Episodes From Your Favorite Shows That Were Too 'Offensive' For Re-Runs

Making TV shows isn't all Hollywood glamour and celebrities. Sometimes there are important discussions that need to happen regarding what's allowed on the network, what should be discussed, and what is worth the risk. This becomes extra complicated when you are making television shows for kids. There are surprising number of kids' shows that ended up getting some episodes banned. Shows you would NEVER suspect, like Sesame Street or Mister Rogers. GiphyHere are just some of the episodes of your favorite kids' shows that you have never seen because they were deemed too inappropriate for kids. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood -


15 Theme Songs That You Absolutely Still Have Stuck In Your Head

Watching TV after school or on Saturday mornings was pretty much the highlight of your week. Finding that show that just captivated you completely was the best feeling in the world. The shows will probably stick out in your memory forever, especially the theme song. They always did such an amazing job making songs that could just embed themselves deep in your mind and then latch on as if they are some kind of melody leech. See how many you remember! There is something for everyone, see if you can find the shows from your childhood below! 1. FlintstonesYou knew