
7 Things The "Bad Kids" In Your Class Always Did No Matter How Much The Teacher Yelled

As a former good-two-shoes, I can't pretend like I did any of those cool "bad" kid things, but I do remember seeing them all happen. Elementary school was basically a battle between the teachers and the students, and their weapons may not have been very advanced, but they were effective. A teacher could assign as much homework as they wanted, but as a kid, your attacks are limited. You don't have a lot of things you can do that will solidify your cool kid status without having you kicked out of school. It wasn't easy, but I guess some of


12 Things Every 90s Kid Had In Their Bedroom

If your bedroom didn't have these things, you probably wanted them at some point. It's crazy to think today's teens want an aesthetically pleasing bedroom, when all we wanted was a lava lamp and a couple posters to be happy. Here are 12 things you probably had in your room in the 90s. 1. At least one creepy doll.I have no idea why every household had at least one of those creepy china dolls, but at one point I had a shelf absolutely filled with them all sitting side by side. This went on for a few years, until

Food and Snacks

10 Foods We Spat Out Every Time We Tried Them As Kids

Most kids are picky eaters, even if they don't think they are. The reason for this was because we always ate foods that we liked, and avoided everything that made us want to spit it out. Whether we love the foods we hated is irrelevant, let's just take a look back at some of the foods we hated with a burning passion. They may have touched our lips or accidentally slipped into our stomachs, but these foods were on the "Never Try Again" list for years! 1. Brussels sprouts  Weber GrillsI remember my parents forcing me to eat these


10 Things That Smell Like Your Childhood

Ever smell something that immediately takes you back to your childhood? Here's a list of 10 things your life hasn't been the same without: 1. Lip SmackersMy mom stopped buying these for me after I started eating all the good flavours. Fragrantica2. Mr. Sketch MarkersAh, the days when sniffing markers was encouraged. Super Coupon3. CrayonsThis smell is so distinct that every time I smell it, I am instantly brought back to colouring a dog that resembles more of a potato with legs. Mashable4. Old Textbooks That smell of 50-year-old dust hitting your face as soon as you open a textbook.


6 Classic Lego Sets That Every '90s Kid Wanted

There was no better teacher for this than Lego, which encouraged kids to be creative and discover different fields of history, science, and relatable day-to-day culture!If you and your siblings had any Lego growing up, then you'll know how much fun it was to build these sets. Let's see if you remember some of the most popular collections from the 90s!Fort LegoredoBest ToysThis was an awesome set to start out with. You got 6 cavalry units and a small team of bandits to play fight against each other in this western world. There was even multiple buildings for


10 Toys From Your Childhood You Haven't Thought About In Years

The most important thing to you when you were a kid was your toy collection. There was nothing in the world that mattered more than keeping up with the latest and greatest trends, and finding the next 'cool' thing. Whether it was a a super cool action figure or the newest technological craze that was sweeping the nation, we all had a toy that we loved so much. Even though we loved them at the time, chances are we haven't thought about them since we were young. Here are some of the best toys you completely forgot about. 1. Go