
10 Stories From 'The Breakfast Club' Set That'll Make You Glad You Never Got Saturday Detention

We all identified with one of them. Whether it was the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, or the criminal, one of those characters felt like they fit our experience.The Breakfast Club has managed to become one of those iconic movies that completely defines a generation, and yet there is still so much we don't know about the movie. Universal PicturesObviously working on a movie set with a bunch of young actors can get a little bit stressful, but some of the things that the cast and crew have revealed about their experience is pretty surprising. Honestly,


Are Your Opinions Of 80s Movies Garbage? Vote Here To Find Out!

We all have our favorite movies, but how many of us share the same ones? There's a lot of choices out there, but some are more popular than others, whether it's because they have certain actors, a specific theme, or a common director. There is no real way to decide which is the best, but there is a very easy way to decide which movies are the most popular! Vote below to pick out your favorite movies from these specific categories and see if your opinions match the majority or if you are truly unique!Best Robot Movie? Robots are