
Joaquin Phoenix To Star In The Joker's Origin Movie And The Internet Is Surprisingly Calm

While it's been almost two years since Jared Leto made his debut as the Joker in Suicide Squad, fans are still cringing at his disastrous performance. Luckily, everyone can take a deep sigh of relief as it's been announced a new actor will be playing the Crown Prince of Crime. DCAccording to Variety, none other than Joaquin Phoenix is poised to play the latest incarnation of Batman's most prominent rival in Warner Bros. and Todd Phillip's untitled Joker origins movie.Sources told the publication Phillips had met with Phoenix prior to the new year, and had only been waiting on


From Cult Members To Hollywood Stars, The Phoenix Family Has A Tragic Backstory People Don't Know

The Phoenix family has been in the public eye for a very long time. River Phoenix was the first to make it big, but many of his siblings have become famous and successful in their own right. But even though many of the Phoenix children have found success, they've had to overcome a lot. Their childhood was nothing short of traumatizing, and honestly, they may have one of the most tragic family histories in Hollywood. The BeginningArlyn Dunetz married John Lee Bottom in September 1969, and in 1970 River was born. They continued traveling around the country, and shortly after