
7 Weird Rules We Were Forced To Follow At School That We're Still Cranky About To This Day

Elementary school, middle school (or junior high depending on where in the country you are), and high school are probably the scariest years of your life. Yes, there is all this propaganda that claims that they are "the best years of your life," but if that's true, then oh boy... There were so many rules and regulations, all of which were claiming to be in place for our own good, but a lot of the time it felt as though they were just completely ridiculous. Do you ever wonder if it was just a crazy power trip? Were they just


8 School Experiences We All Had That Today's Kids Will Never Understand

The grade school and high school experience has definitely changed since the days that we were all stuck in the classroom. As I watch my own children go through the early grades, I am blown away by how much things have changed, and how little I truly understand the motivations for those changes. We all made it through those years (mostly), and we are none the worse for the wear. I am all for progress, but when we make progress simply for the sake of it, or when that progress affects our children's abilities to grow into fully functioning members


Remembering Our School Dances And The Songs That Made Us Spin In Circles

Grade school, and even to some extent high school dances had a tendency to get a little awkward at times. With boys and girls essentially standing on opposite ends of the room because they weren't sure how to approach the other side, it took a bit of work to get us dancing together. Izismile.comLet's be real, few if any of us had any actual rhythm back then for dancing to faster paced songs, but we could all spin slowly in a circle. There were a number of songs from the 90s and early 2000s that really helped us get


Winona Rider's Style Landed Her In Some Hot Water As A Kid, But She Fought Back In the Best Way

Winona Ryder has been a major star for several decades now. She first got her start in a movie called Lucas that came out in 1986. She was only 14-years-old when she started, and that meant that she was dealing with puberty just like the rest of us. Ryder has gone on to win awards, gain recognition, and maintain relevance in an increasingly forgetful world, but she is honest about her past. She has admitted that before she was famous she was dealing with a significant amount of bullying because of how she dressed. thatericalperShe recalled that "a group of


AOL Instant Messenger Is Being Shut Down, And It's Truly The End Of An Era

Growing up in the 90s meant that you spent all the hours you could online. Obviously our moms would kick us off a lot because we were tying up the phone lines, but when they weren't home we just had to get back on to AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). ClevverAIM was basically what everyone did everyday. You would go to school, talk to your friends all day, bus home, and then log on to AIM to talk to your friends again. Sure, it had only been about 15 minutes since you were literally standing in front of them, but there


20 Prom Photos The Will Give All 80s Kids Severe Flashbacks

Prom is a pretty big deal for teens. They all freak out about the perfect dress, the perfect hair style and making sure they have the perfect date. There is a lot that goes into planning this 'perfect evening,' but over time those choices seem to make less and less sense. The 80s are probably one of the most notorious decades when it comes to fashion. There were a lot of decisions that looking back we know weren't the greatest, but honestly, at the time we thought we were SO cool. Are you ready to relive the fashion mistakes