
10 Things You Miss From Your Childhood, Even Though You Pretend Not To

Y'know those things we all loved in the 90s but pretend to hate? We don't really hate them. It just seems like something we have to say when we're talking to everyone else about "how lame" everything was and how things are better now. Well LISTEN UP. They are not better. Things now are dumb and confusing and all around not cool. Do I sound like a cranky old lady when I say this? Yes. Do I care? Not even a little bit. Maybe it's because all the things we do or have now relate to being an adult, but


16 Lies Our Parents Told Us As Kids That We Only Realized As Adults

Some of these lies make me wonder if they actually might be true, and others make me realize my parents were just brilliant. 1. The light inside the car was illegal to have on while driving. So, apparently it is totally legal but our parents just found it annoying? Well, mom how do you expect me to find my toy that fell on the ground without the light on?  Throwbacks2. Peeing in a pool will release a dye, so everyone will know.My entire time growing up, I believed that if I peed in a pool, my pee would


15 Things Every Sibling Growing Up In The '90s Fought Over

Growing up with siblings is hard because there were so many things that made our blood boil. No way, Jose were we about to throw the towel in.Here are 15 things every sibling growing up in the '90s fought over. And I mean EVERY sibling, whether you were the oldest, youngest, or middle child. 1. Hogging the TV. MirageI had to pry the controller out of my sibling's hand or stand in front of our small TV to get their attention. The amount of buttons my television controller lost per month is too embarrassing to reveal. 2. Who was


15 Things We Grew Up With In The '90s That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

It can be painful to consider just how much time has passed since the '90s (seriously don't think too hard about it) and how much of day-to-day life has changed since then. ImgurBut it's hard not to be reminded when you start to realize some things that were 100% totally fine then are now at best completely unacceptable, and at worst worthy of complete social exile. Here are some of the things we never thought twice about doing in the '90s that we definitely wouldn't get away with today.1. Showing up at someone's house completely unannouncedNobody saw any problems


The 10 Most Popular Baby Names That Basically Every '80s Kid Had

It seemed like everyone had the same names when we were growing up. There were always at least two or three kids in our classes who had the same names and even though they may have spelled it different, it made everything more complicated. Meagan KellyNowadays, parents all claim that they want unique names. Let's be real though, our parents thought the same thing. Trending names are common in every decade, the most popular choices just change. Why do these names get popular? It might be because certain celebrities are popular at the time so it inspires more people. Let's


15 Things You'll Only Understand If You Grew Up With Siblings

Before we begin this list, we have to listen to our "sibling" anthem song: While it may have come out in the year 2000, we've definitely said something along those lines to our siblings before the song was released. Anyway, now that we've gotten that out of the way, we're ready to warp back to a time when EVERY SINGLE THING was a competition. Here are 15 memories that only make sense if you grew up with siblings. 15. There was no way you and your sibling could go up or down the stairs together in peace. It seemed like


30 Things You Will Only Remember If You're Over 30 Now

Oh, how times have changed! I look at the kids and teenagers nowadays and it's like they're growing up in a totally different world than the one I knew. Everything is so fast paced and technology-driven, unlike back in the 80s and 90s, when every new discovery and invention left us in awe. Instead of Google, I had to look through encyclopedias to get more information on a topic, my friends and I played outside every day, Saturday mornings were reserved for cartoons, and visiting fast-food restaurants like McDonald's was a special treat. If you also did these things, then