
The 6 Most Satisfying '90s Kisses That Made Us All Scream "YES"

Sometimes a movie or TV series likes to tease a romance for far too long. We can pick up on the tension between two characters, and watching their relationship develop is honestly such an emotional roller-coaster. We know it wouldn't be the same if they acted on their instant connection right away, and these 6 kisses waited until the best possible moment before they set fireworks off in our hearts!How Stella Got Her Groove BackThe rain pouring down on the taxi wasn't enough to hide our tears as Winston made his way to the airport, but our hearts leaped


8 Questions We All Have About The Movie 'Casper'

Casper was one of the best movies from our childhood. It was spooky enough without being too scary, and it made us all want to believe in ghosts. How cool would it be to have a little ghost friend who could help you out when you need them? Universal PicturesThe movie was really one of a kind, it did a lot of things that other movies hadn't yet done which probably helped make it feel as special as it did. Even though the movie was obviously amazing, there are still a few things that happen in it that are really


10 Things You Didn't Know About Patrick Swayze That Will Make You Love Him Even More

Patrick Swayze was an absolute gem. He made so many classic movies that people still love to this day, and it's honestly heartbreaking that he passed away so young. Vestron PicturesHe did however, live his life to the fullest, and there are are actually a lot of things you may not have known about the wonderful actor. He had always wanted to be in the Olympics Vestron PicturesWhen he was young he was training with Olympic level coaches so he could join the U.S.  gymnastics team, but it didn't end up working out. Swayze also considered playing footballHouston