
This Is The Best Version Of The "Duck Tales" Theme Song You've Ever Heard

When Disney announced a Duck Tales revival, people collectively lost their minds. With a star-studded cast coming in for the remake, it's possibly of the most anticipated revivals to date. Of course, there's the classic theme song (WEEOO!) which many people have tried to cover and make their own. But let's be honest, the original is the best. Or at least it WAS the best...until this version came around.Of course, it begs the question...who has the time? Frankly we don't care, though. Because it's flawless.


Frank Sinatra's Story About One Of Don Rickles' Classic Pranks is A Great Way To Remember Him

The world lost a comedy legend this week with the passing of Don Rickles, one of the funniest (and meanest) voices ever to take the stage. Newspapers across the country have done their best to memorialize this larger-than-life entertainer, but we think that should be left to someone who knew him best: Frank Sinatra.The singer first met Rickles in 1957 and they stayed lifelong friends afterwards. Rickles was famously the only person allowed to joke about Sinatra's fragile ego, and as you can tell from this story he took his job seriously.Throughout their careers these two icons often


11 Saying Kids Today Just Don't Understand

One of the easiest ways to make yourself feel old is to use an expression from your childhood and watch your children's faces turn blank. If you joke that someone chatty was "vaccinated with a phonograph needle" odds are nobody will laugh, and if you say "let's get down to brass tacks" they'll have no idea what you mean.But not all phrases go out of style just because they're uncool. Some are related to technology that nobody uses anymore, while others have really obscure meanings. See if you recognize the meanings of every expression on this list!1. Rewind


"Yep!" King Of The Hill Is 20 Years Old

If America's favorite yellow family wasn't your thing back in the 90s, you were probably watching King of the Hill instead. The adventures of Hank Hill, the low-energy propane and propane accessories salesman from Arlen, Texas were a big hit, and from 1997-98 the show even got higher ratings than the Simpsons. If it feels like the show was just ended, you're not wrong! The show's fans kept the Rainey Street gang on the air for an incredible 13 seasons - that's 259 episodes! King of the Hill was on the air as recently as 2010, and of course it


It's Morphing Time For These Cats In This Power Rangers Parody

If you grew up watching the five teenagers with attitude defend Angel Grove from evil monsters, you'll love this parody that casts five lazy cats as the Meower Rangers.This is just the first in a new series of parody videos made by the Power Rangers company itself. These adorable kittens don't seem up to the task of defending the planet, but they're definitely rocking their costumes. This video has lots of little Easter Eggs for Power Ranger fans too, like Zordon's new look, and a remixed version of the show's awesome theme song. There are no giant robots yet


9 Things All 90s Girls Did When They Had A Crush

Ah, young love. There's nothing like it!Remember the days when you didn't have Tinder or texting or Facebook or eHarmony or Snapchat or ANYTHING remotely helpful? It was just you, the boy you liked, and a landline phone. That was it. Hope you have his phone number. It was wildly stressful having a crush in the '90s. And frankly it still is. Maybe try using some of these '90s "flirting" tactics in your love life today and see if they help!1. You seriously considered a full makeover. If 90s movies taught us anything, it's that outer beauty is