Food and Snacks

10 Discontinued Fast Food Items We Truly Wish We Could Still Order

Going to get fast food was a treat that was saved for a special occasion. It wasn't every day that we would be allowed to head on out to McDonald's or Wendy's, but when we did, it was the best. We'd destroy a Happy Meal quicker than our parents could understand, and somehow we would still have the energy to go play in a Play Place.The thing is, there were a lot of foods over the years that came around into the fast food world that didn't last as long as others. Sure, you can still go get a


11 Photos Of '90s Fast Food Restaurants That Will Bring Back So Many Delicious Memories

Growing up, there were very few things that got us as excited as when our parents told us that they were taking us out to our favorite fast food joint. While the food and the affordable prices played a huge role, there were many other things that these eateries offered that made us obsessed with them. McDonald's Play Places, anyone? Many fast food restaurants in the 90s had cool and vibrant interiors that made them even more inviting. However, as the world changed, so did most of these restaurants' brands, appearances, and menus. We don't truly realize just how much


17 Fast Food Menu Items That Were Discontinued Way Too Soon

One of the hardest things about growing up is saying goodbye to old friends.Whether you grow apart over time, or they're taken away from you too soon, we look back on the ones we once held dear and wish we could just see them one last time. Coincidentally, that's also how we feel about these 17 fast food menu items that were discontinued way too soon. How many of them do you remember?1. Taco Bell's Zesty Chicken BowlBeckstreetTalk about being ahead of its time. Lately Taco Bell has been trying to fend off Mexican-inspired contenders like Chipotle, but

Pop Culture

20 Years Worth Of Happy Meal Toys That Will Bring You Right Back To Your Childhood

Everyone remembers the excitement of opening up their Happy Meal to see what toy they got. We all had these enormous collections that took up all kinds of space for no reason, but we treasured these toys as if they were precious antiques. Viral SpellThere were a lot of different toys each year, but there was always one or two that stood out and made kids go absolutely nuts trying to track down the entire collection. These were the most popular toys each year, how many did you collect? 1977-79 - "McWrist" WalletEbay1979-81 - Star TrekEbay1982 - PlaymobilEbay1983-84 - Hot


The Internet Has Been Blessed With The Trippiest Wendy's Training Videos From The 80s, And They're Gold

Oftentimes when you start a new job you have to go through a training period. This usually entails reading manuals, shadowing a colleague, or watching training videos that will help you get a good grasp of your role so you can perform your best. However, as we've all come to learn at some point in our lives, workplace training videos can be really boring. The voice that narrates these videos is often monotone and the acting is almost always poor, unless it was created by Wendy's in the 80s. The HR genius behind the fast food company's employee training videos

Pop Culture

11 McDonaldland Mascots That You Completely Forgot Existed

There was this magical place that kids all thought would be excellent, but looking back now it's hard to see why. McDonaldland was this crazy marketing adventure with the most bizarre cast of characters imaginable. McDonald's WikiSure, fast food places are known for having wacky mascots, but none are quite as iconic as the characters of McDonaldland. From the mayor to the smallest little fry kid, each of them was pretty bizarre. Everyone remembers Ronald McDonald, but what about the rest?How many of the McDonaldland characters do you remember? The HamburglarMcDonald's WikiGrimaceYouTubeHe even did a


Seeing These Photos Of '90s Fast Food Restaurants Will Make You Nostalgic, Then Hungry

Growing up, there were very few things that got us as excited as when our parents told us that they were taking us out to our favorite fast food joint. While the food and the affordable prices played a huge role, there were many other things that these eateries offered that made us obsessed with them. McDonald's Play Places, anyone? Many fast food restaurants in the 90s had cool and vibrant interiors that made them even more inviting. However, as the world changed, so did most of these restaurants' brands, appearances, and menus. We don't truly realize just how much


McDonald's Was Better When We Were Kids, And Here's Why

Going to McDonald's was one of the main highlights of our childhoods. It was a rare event, but when it happened, it was basically like going into an amusement park with chicken nuggets. Not only did you get a great meal that in your opinion was full of nutritional value, but you got a kickass toy and a fun time in an awesome play place. Let's revisit all the best parts about your childhood trips to McDonald's:Obviously you have to start with the Happy MealOur mom had a rule where we couldn't open our toys until we ate our


Toys We Got At Burger King That Were Honestly Better Than Any Happy Meal

While they don't receive the same intense devotion as McDonald's Happy Meal toys, Burger King toys were an important part of our childhood. During the heyday of the Kids Club, BK's toys were just as impressive as their competitors. A lot of our favorite Disney movies and TV shows were turned into awesome toys that we still own to this day. Did your favorites make our list? We've thrown in some toys from the '80s and early 2000s too, since cool toys never go out of style.1. Burger Books (1985)eBayEvery once in a while, fast food chains included