'The Jerry Springer Show' Is Ending, But We'll Never Forget These Iconic Moments

After over 4,000 episodes, 27 seasons, and countless fights, The Jerry Springer Show is ending. That's right, never again will we hear the crowd yell, "JERRY, JERRY" as a bunch of people throw chairs at each other on stage. The thing is, because the show has been on so long, we all tended to take it for granted. We just assume that we can turn the TV on at any time and watch some ridiculous fight about some topic that we didn't know was an issue. But there are a lot of things we will miss about the show.


10 Daytime Talk Shows We Always Watched When We Stayed Home From School

When you were a kid, staying home from school because you were sick, or because there was a snow day meant one thing: Daytime TV. There weren't going to be good shows on for hours because most networks assumed you'd be at school. Obviously they didn't consider that some of us were going to be constantly sick, so we needed something to watch. Instead of watching age appropriate shows, we were instead stuck watching the talk shows intended for a much older audience. But don't even pretend like you didn't love it. We would sit there for hours while our