
7 Things About The Fifth Element That'll Make You Reach For Your Multipass

Very few movies manage to reach true cult classic status. There are movies like Empire Records, Pulp Fiction, and Rocky Horror Picture Show, but there are a lot more movies that get made that never achieve that unique status. The Fifth Element has a complicated history with the title of "cult classic," because while a lot of people consider it one of the best sci-fi movies ever, a lot of people claim it's the worst. Some people say it's "so bad it's good" while others just love it unironically. But there are a lot of things that went on behind


5 Awesome Movies That Prove Critics Don't Know Anything

What is the difference between a great movie and a terrible movie? Well, I guess it all depends on the individual people who see it. Sometimes movies hit the big screen and are resoundingly hated by critics and fans, even though when you sit back and think about them, they are awesome movies. For this list we are going to look at movies that were resoundingly hated by critics and most audiences, yet when you actually watch them for their pure entertainment value, they were actually amazing movies. Here are 5 of the best "terrible" movies from the 90s and


They've Been Out Of Detention For Over 30 Years, So Where Did 'The Breakfast Club' Cast End Up?

Nearly 33 years ago, the cult classic, The Breakfast Club hit the big screens and was an immediate success. After more than three decades a lot can change, especially the actors and actresses that portrayed these iconic characters. That being said, after all of these years, where have the five of them actually ended up?Let's take a walk down memory lane to see if they kept the "Hollywood Dream" alive.1. Molly Ringwald - Claire StandishMolly Ringwald looked like she was going to become a Hollywood icon for the rest of her life. But after The Breakfast Club she


7 Questions We All Have For The Cult Classic 'Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter Is Dead'

We all have those movies that we love even though no one else has heard of them. There are way too many to list them all, but when it comes to weird cult classics, Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter Is Dead is one that you absolutely need to remember.Warner Bros.If you've never seen it, the premise is exactly as weird as the title would lead you to believe. When the Candrell kid's mom is on a vacation for the summer she leaves her kids with a babysitter who passes away. This leaves the eldest Candrell sibling, Sue Ellen,


5 Things You Didn't Know About 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' That'll Make You Want To Do The Time Warp, Again

Rocky Horror Picture Show is one of those movies that seems to be popular no matter what year it is. Its cult following is getting bigger and bigger each year, and now it has an enormous fan base. 20th Century FoxThe show is absolutely unique and bizarre, but that is what makes it so great. There are a lot of interesting facts about Rocky Horror Picture Show, let's see how much you know about this iconic movie! 20th Century FoxA lot of the cast in the movie was in the original stage production 20th Century FoxTim Curry as Dr. Frank