
11 Things You Didn't Know About The Greatest Bobsled Team Of All Time

Have we just been transported back in time, or did our favorite childhood movie just become reality? Now that the Winter Olympics are in full swing in Sochi, we have all eyes on the Jamaica bobsled team and we are getting flashbacks of our favorite underdog team.Cool Runnings was that movie you watched on the Disney channel as a kid 25 years ago. Based on a true story, this 1993 movie has only gotten better with age as we re-watch and relive the experience that captured us more than two decades ago. Telling the story of the first Jamaican


The Real Story Behind 'Cool Runnings' Is Even Weirder Than The Movie

It's hard to explain why so many kids fell in love with Cool Runnings.Yes, it's a funny movie with a lot of heart, but it was also a sports comedy about bobsledding at the Winter Olympics. The story of four Jamaican athletes competing in the icy sport was just too outrageous to resist, and today the movie is a cult classic.But if you think you learned the real story of Jamaica's groundbreaking bobsled team from the movie, you'd be wrong.As one of the real team members from the 1988 Olympics, Dudley "Tal" Stokes, revealed on Reddit, the