
87-Year-Old Grandma Uses Microsoft Paint To Create Beautiful Masterpieces

Using the computer as a kid was kind of a privilege that you didn't get everyday. Kids now have little computers in their pockets from a young age, so probably a lot of the novelty has worn off. Even when we weren't allowed to use the internet, there was one program that would entertain us for hours, and that was Microsoft Paint.  The simple software that came preinstalled on every computer was basically everyone's favorite thing. The only thing we would use more than Paint was probably Solitaire. Between Paint and Solitaire we could have spent hours on the


Watch: TV Hosts Are Baffled By The Internet In This Throwback Clip

Way back in the olden days of 1994, if you were already surfing the web you were probably using Netscape Navigator on your family's AOL subscription. Which is a nice way of saying you were a big nerd.I don't know what the "internet" is, but it looks painful.TimeThe worldwide web was gaining popularity fast, but judging by these reactions from The Today Show, it wasn't exactly mainstream just yet. After the hosts try their best to work out how exactly you pronounce "@," Bryant Gumbel vents his frustration over the newfangled technology."What is the


20 Things That Kids Born After 2000 Will Never Have To Understand Or Overcome

As the calendar turns another page, and we find ourselves staring down the barrel of 2018, now is the time to look back on our childhoods, and everything that we got to enjoy, and endure that children of today's world will just never understand. The year 2000 doesn't seem that long ago, but in reality, the people born that year are going to be old enough to vote this year... Does that make you feel old? Let's take a look at some of the things that will transport us back to the 90s. 1. When getting your music took hours,


21 Memories We All Share From Spending Hours Playing Neopets

There are a lot of sights and sounds of the internet from the early 2000s that bring back a flood of memories, but just hearing the word "Neopets" can cause intense flashbacks. We spent hours raising our virtual pets and catering to their every need. If you grew up playing Neopets, these memories are burned into your brain, probably forever.1. First, you had to pick your petsNeopets IncAgh! This is already too much pressure!2. Don't forget to pick up your daily ration of omeletteNeopets Inc.The easiest way to provide for your growing Neo-family.3. And stop by

Pop Culture

13 Ads That Will Make You Appreciate How Much Technology Has Changed Since the '80s

Technology has come a long way in the last few decades. When you look back even ten years ago everything seems so outdated. Oyster MagNow, basically everyone has a little smart phone that they can do pretty much everything they need to do, but back in "the good ol' days" everything was a bit more complicated. These advertisements really give you a little peak into how it used to be, and remind you how much everything has changed.Imagine paying $99 for a brand new gaming system?Huffington PostHey kids, you'll probably do a lot better if you look at


Microsoft Tried To Kill Their Greatest Creation, But The Internet Wouldn't Let It Die

Everyone panicked when Microsoft announced that that there were a whole bunch of features that they were abandoning in future releases and updates. @Andiblair1492The said they were getting rid of Outlook Express, the Reader app and a few other functions, but the one that caught everyone off guard was them saying that Microsoft Paint would not longer be available. There was panic in the streets! Chaos everywhere you could see! And the sobbing cries of 90s kids who know no system better than Paint. Seriously, just look at the outpouring of love this program got: @DigiUnbox@Laura_Lou81@JustShutUpAdam_@bt_


What Technology Used To Look Like When It Lasted More Than 5 Years

The way our products and appliances used to work was that you would spend a big chunk of money upfront, but it would last you for a very long time. It seems like lately, there is a new business model. Big ChillThe attention spans that we all seem to have for products are nothing like they used to be. Our grandparents generations all had the same fridges, couches, and televisions for decades, where as we find ours all break after 5 years. Is it us doing something wrong, or are the companies doing it on purpose? Turns out it might