
15 Times Shoulder Pads Proved They Were The Most Excessive Fashion Trend Of The 80s

A lot of the fashion choices we made in the 80s weren't out finest moments, but you know what, we have to live with it. The fact of the matter is, the popular styles were very different than they are now. We should probably just embrace our bad choices right? Own up to the embarrassing memories? Well, let's get into the biggest fashion mistake we are all guilty of: Shoulder pads. They were big, they were excessive, and they were everywhere. Like Totally 80sAll of our favorite stars wore them, our friends wore them, and of course we wore them


Represent Your Favorite 90s Show With This New Line Of Nickelodeon Inspired Clothes

What was your favorite Nickelodeon show when you were younger? Were you a Rugrats fan, or maybe you preferred Clarissa Explains It All? NickelodeonThere were so many great shows on Nickelodeon that it makes it hard to pick a favorite. Luckily it doesn't really matter which one you love the most because now you can show off all of your favorite shows on these new clothes! NickelodeonThe clothing company Love Tribe has launched a new 90s Nickelodeon line of clothes is called that will be available at Macy's. They have all your favorite shows available, check them out below! You


These Polly Pocket Clothes Are Exactly What Every 90s Girl Needs

We all loved that Polly Pocket purse with all our hearts and wanted to know how else we could incorporate one of our favorite vintage toys into our wardrobe. Luckily, the same company who made that epic bag decided to make a bunch awesome shirts to go with it! So now that you have your awesome and unique bag:Truffle ShuffleYou can go all out with some tank tops:Truffle ShuffleTruffle ShuffleOr T-Shirts:Truffle ShuffleTruffle ShuffleClick to the next page to see even more of the collection! You are also going to need some awesome sweaters to keep warm this


7 Things 90s Girls Will Remember Using To Try To Look Extra Glamorous

We've all wanted to look nice before, but when you are a kid it's pretty tricky. You have very little control of what ends up in your closet, but when you could you most definitely made sure you had these things. Stick-on EarringsRedditTrying to look grown up with these super elegant stickers attached to your ear was one of the most popular things to do. The problem was they almost always ended up coming off and getting stuck in your hair. Ponytails with beads or pom-poms EtsyIf you have never had one of these snap in your hair and hit


13 Amazing 80s Styles That You Know You Rocked

Kids today have a vague idea of the 80s through TV, movies and just general knowledge that gets passed down, but some of us actually lived through that nonsense. There was neon EVERYWHERE, and hair was bigger than you could possibly imagine. Not everyone wants to remember it fondly because it was a lot going on at once, but you know what, we should embrace our choices. The 80s were the brightest, most colorful and perhaps the most fun decade fashion wise that we have ever had. Kids today may get little pieces of it here and there, but they


7 Things Everyone Who Has Ever Watched An '80s Aerobics Video Knows To Be True

The 80s were all about sweatbands, leg warmers, and spandex so tight that it was essentially a second skin. There was this intense workout craze that exploded in popularity, and all of our moms were watching videos or listening to records in the living rooms doing leg lifts and step kicks to some upbeat music. We all remember it, whether we were kids watching our moms or actually the ones doing them ourselves, those 80s workout videos and records were absolutely iconic. If you lived through it, you remember exactly what it was really like. 1. You needed the perfect


20 Retro Products Every Nostalgia Addict Needs To Make Their Home Complete

I think we can all agree that we all have a bit of an obsession with our past. There's something special about the time that we grew up that makes us want to hold onto it harder and harder as we get older. Sure, maybe we are just trying to put off the inevitable, or maybe we are just finally capable of getting all the stuff we wish we could have gotten as kids. There's also the fact that now that we are now living on our own, we get to pick the decor and if we want it all


Delia's Is Back With A Brand New Collection And It'll Take You Right Back To The 90s

If you had to pick one clothing company that could accurately describe the ideal 90s style, chances are you'd pick dELiA*s. Sure, the name is a pain to type, but it's the one brand of clothing that every cool girl wanted to own. The catalogs would arrive in the mail, and we'd spend days curating our ideal orders, while our moms would look over our shoulder and say "No, no, not that, you can only pick one" and so on and so forth until we finally narrowed down our choices to one simple sweater. Even if we never purchased


10 Reasons Pajamas In The 90s Were The Best Thing In The Universe

I think we can all agree that the 90s were a pretty awesome time. Between the TV shows, the movies, and all the epic music, there was no shortage when it came to quality products. Even if we can't agree on the best of the media world, there is something that all of us can agree on: 90s pajamas are the best thing to have ever existed. There has never been a time in your life that you were more comfy or cozy, which was great because you probably spent a lot of time in those PJs, right? Whether you


90s Kids Remember Exactly How Awkward These HyperColor Shirts Really Were

Some of the fashion choices we made as kids were questionable, sure, but others were honestly completely mind boggling. How many of you remember 'HyperColor' shirts? If you really think about them, it's hard to remember why we thought they were a good idea at all. SmithsonianMagSure, having a color changing shirt sounds cool in theory, but in practice it does not go well. What happens when your preteen body starts getting all sweaty and smelly and you are stuck there with a giant circle around your stinky underarms? Smithsonian MagThe thing is, we never thought about stuff like that