
Cardigans Are Apparently Back In Style But The 90s Totally Did It Better

If we are being perfectly honest here, I didn't know cardigans ever really went out of style. Sure, people don't really wear them the same way as they used to, but there's still plenty available. But the thing is, the 90s were a prime time for sweater sets and cardigans. Not only were they available in a million color options, but they had a bunch of different designs and patterns that became popular. It seemed like every person had one either wrapped around their shoulders or wore it as a crop top in the 90s. Now they are apparently "back


Stirrup Pants Are Back In Style And We Don't Know How To Feel About It

We've all been there, the mall with our moms impatiently waiting to go to the toy section. She wants us to buy some new pants for school because we tore three holes in them last week. She says you have to try things on because you are growing too fast and she isn't sure what size you are, but honestly, there is nothing you want to do less than that. You rush through everything quickly, finding the size you need and then it isn't until years later when you look at the pictures of your childhood that you realize what


10 Fashion Mistakes We Were Guilty Of Making In The 80s That We Really Wish We Could Forget

The 80s were a time that not all of us are proud of. We wore a lot of colors, we made a lot of bold hair choices, and our makeup wasn't always as subtle as it could have been, but you know what, it was awesome. Okay, I'm lying, it was kind of a mess. But it was a lovable mess. It was never boring, that's for sure, but we can't really pretend like there weren't dozens of fashion mistakes that we all look at and kind of regret. Don't believe me? Let's take a look. 1. The MulletTaste of


7 Things About JNCO Jeans That, Like Your Feet, You Never Saw Coming

Who ever was in charge of sizing in the 90s was not really doing a great job. Crop tops were just tiny little chunks of fabric, the skirts seemed to be lacking in length, but there was one piece of clothing that seemed to find all of that missing fabric: JNCO Jeans. JNCO jeans seemed to think that because the rest of the clothes were using less fabric, that they should double up and make their pants wider, baggier, and super heavy. Nothing says fashion-forward like a pair of pants that weigh as much as the kid wearing them! Everyone


Take A Trip Through Time And Visit A Store Tailored For 80s And 90s Kids

There's a brand new store that you can go into that will essentially take you back in time! It's called Spark Pretty and it will honestly make any 80s or 90s kid's head explode. Spark PrettyThe store is full of everything you would need to relive your childhood; whether you grew up in geometric prints and scrunchies in the 80s, or hyper-color shirts and platform shoes in the 90s. Spark PrettyThe business was founded in 2012 by Amanda Dolan, but as of September 2017 it has a new storefront that you should absolute try to go visit in New York.


13 Pages From A Delia's Catalog That Will Make You Feel Like A Pre-Teen Again

When you were a preteen, there were few more important things than picking out your style. The clothes you wore would help you feel confident while you were going through some of the roughest years of your life, so obviously you had to pick the best ones. Where was the best place to get clothes? Obviously it was the Delia's catalog! It was the most stylish and awesome place to get clothes from, even though our parents didn't believe us. For some reason they would say that we should just buy clothes in store so we knew what fit, but


15 Things From The 1990 Sears Wish Book That Will Make You Miss Being A Kid

There was no piece of mail more exciting than the Sears Wish Book. Each year, it would arrive wrapped in plastic, almost like a gift itself. We would carefully rip into the package and reveal the best resource for all of our Christmas wishlists. We would carefully flip through the pages, and jot down the page numbers and product numbers that we wanted all before we would pass off the Wish Book to our parents. They were always patient with us when we would continuously reference things they had never heard of, probably because they had that super easy guide


13 Completely Ridiculous Commercials From The 90s That Made Absolutely No Sense

Commercials are never really the best content you can see on TV, but there are some that are better than others. The problem is, they have to be either REALLY good or REALLY bad if you want them to be memorable. It's a choice that marketing teams have to make, and it seems like in the 90s, everyone went for the really bad option. It seemed like they all embraced the cheesy and ridiculous methods that would get people's attention and I guess technically it worked. Twenty years later we are still trying to figure out why they made these


13 Sweaters You Remember Thinking Were Totally Rad Back In The 80s

There really is nothing quite like the fashion from the 80s. Sure, every decade has its own definitive look, but none are quite as wonderfully weird as the 80s. The hair, the makeup, and the shoulder pads were all a pretty big factor, but the sweaters are probably the most memorable. Every sweater that was purchased in the 80s was a true piece of art. Or at least that's what we have to tell ourselves to try to understand why these were ever made. Check out these truly hilarious and often times insane sweaters that we all rocked in the


Lisa Frank Teams Up With Reebok To Create The Most Wonderful Shoes Ever

Back-to-school season is upon us! This means that those of us who have already grown out of the school years are all experiencing some stress that we can't explain. It seems like no matter how long it has been since we graduated, there is this permanent association with the end of summer that makes us feel like we need to go buy some new pencils. WikimediaThe one thing that we do get to benefit from is the back-to-school fashions! Every year companies seem to put all their best stuff out when they know kids will be shopping. So, we may