Food and Snacks

7 Reasons Why None Of Us Will Ever Forget The Glorious Pizza Hut Experience

I don't know about you, but for me, Pizza Hut wasn't just a restaurant. Pizza Hut was a magical place that only existed when you got a straight-A report card or had a birthday. There wasn't a location nearby to my town, so going to Pizza Hut was an event. But I think that even those who went more often still know all about the power of the Hut. Going to Pizza Hut doesn't seem like it's as big of a deal anymore, if anything people tend to forget it exists. But those of us who know the truth and

Food and Snacks

10 Frozen Treats That Were Totally Worth Chasing The Ice Cream Truck Down The Block

There is nothing quite like the thrill of hearing the ice cream truck. That jingle starts to play and you freeze for only a moment to consider whether or not you have any change in your pocket. If you do, you take off running, without any consideration as to if your parents need to know where you've gone. If you don't, you frantically burst through your door and beg whoever is home to give you money, talking so fast that literally no one would be able to understand. When you finally make it within range of the truck, and you

Food and Snacks

10 Snacks From Your Childhood That You Still Think About Today

We can all get a little bit nostalgic at times, whether it's for movies, television, or music, but the thing that always gets us the most is thinking about all the food we used to eat when we were kids. Here's the thing though, sometimes you can still technically get these foods, but are they as good? Never. I think it has got to do with the learned guilt we all get as we get older. We are told that Dunk-a-roos are not a healthy choice, or that Poptarts aren't actually a good part of your balanced breakfast and then


You'll Soon Be Able To Get 'The Baby-Sitter's Club' With Their Original Covers

There are a few books that just scream childhood. Sweet Valley High was always a staple, Goosebumps were basically required reading, and then of course The Baby-Sitter's Club was crucial. There were always new adventures for The Baby-Sitter's Club to go on, but obviously we all had our favorites. Rumors started swirling about a new Baby-Sitter's Club TV show a little while ago, and while we were excited about it, there's something just extra special about the original books. Luckily for us, Scholastic realized this and has decided to make something for those of us who are feeling a little


7 Things We All Had To Do In The 80s That Kids Today Wouldn't Believe

The 80s were a pretty crazy time. We all accidentally inhaled a lot of Aquanet hairspray, everything was very colorful, and we all were busy watching MTV. Times have changed a lot in the last 30+ years, and now the world is barely recognizable. So much was different, especially for kids. Kids don't grow up the same way that we used to. They don't have the same issues that we did, they don't have the same hobbies as we did, and they certainly would have no idea how to handle themselves back in the 80s. If you were to send


10 Things You Haven't Thought About In Forever That'll Make You Miss Being A Kid

Being a kid is pretty awesome. You don't have to pay bills, your fridge is just always stocked with your favorite foods even though you never went to the grocery store, and honestly school isn't that hard (at least compared to grown up life). There are obviously a lot of things we miss about being a kid, but if you asked if I wanted to go back in time I would say absolutely not. I don't want to go through puberty again, no thank you. Instead, I'm just going to remember all the things that I used to love, without


Everyone Just Found Out That Neopets Was Run By Scientologists And They Are Not Happy About It

When the internet started being used by kids all around the country, there was one site that we all needed to visit. Neopets was the most important website on the internet if you were between the ages of 10-13. It was every middle school kids most important obsession, other than their beanie babies, but somehow these virtual pets felt more real than our tangible toys. You would pick a creature, name it, feed it, play with it, and take it on adventures every single day. You would spin a wheel, helping you collect neopoints, and you could use those points


10 Snacks From Your Childhood That You Didn't Realize You Can Still Get Today

Listen, it's fine to reminisce about all the things we used to have, but sometimes it's downright frustrating to remember everything that you want to eat, and then not be able to eat it. Instead, let's take a moment and remember the good and wonderful companies that are still providing us with super good treats and meals that taste like our childhood. Sure, their health value is questionable at best, but who are we to judge! Enjoy yourself, think of this as the shopping list for your retro theme party! This what you can still get:1. Teddy GrahamsWikipediaStill as


10 Iconic Toys From Your Childhood That You Couldn't Live Without

Let's be honest for a second, it's the internet, there is no one here to judge you. When you were growing up, what did you care the most about? Was it your family? No, that's just what you said near Christmas so you would get good gifts. Was it your friends? No, they weren't always there for you when you needed them. The thing we all cared about more than anything was our elaborate and extensive toy collections. Sure, does that make us all a little bit materialistic and selfish? Probably. But those are the facts and there's not much


12 Normal Things 80s Kids Did At School That Just Aren't Allowed Anymore

Times sure have changed from the 80's. It seems as though everything has become dependent on technology and there's been a crazy increase in helicopter parenting. So what's changed in the school world? Can it really be that different? The answer is yes. Things have definitely gotten a little more strict and little less fun-loving since we were in grade school. And who knows? Maybe it's justified. But honestly it just seems like today's kids are missing out!Here are some totally normal things we'd do at school in the 80's but would not fly today. 1. Actually Choosing a