
5 Forgotten Workout Videos We Were All Completely Obsessed With In The 90s

Growing up in the 90s wasn't all just scrunchies and platform shoes. You had to work out a lot because for some reason every 90s designer thought we all wanted to wear crop tops. Hey designers, guess what? We didn't. There was a lot of pressure on being thin, and honestly as a young girl at the time, hearing models like Kate Moss say, "nothing tasted as good as skinny felt" really confused me. I mean, had she never eaten ice cream? Ice cream tastes better than anything feels. Anyways, we're getting off track. The fact was, we all had


20 Times Our Favorite Celebrities Were Guilty Of Fashion Crimes In The '90s

Styles come and go, but fashion sense is eternal. Actually, not really. These photos from the '90s prove that your personal style gets better with age, because these stars wouldn't be caught dead in these outfits today.1. Celine DionNews 18Dion is known as a fashion icon these days, but we still have a lot of questions about this "reverse suit." The singer walked the red carpet at the 1999 Oscars looking like Carmen Sandiego in arctic camouflage, and unsurprisingly she changed her outfit before performing in the ceremony.2. The Kardashian-JennersABC NewsDenim abuse will be a recurring theme on


20 Celebrities Who Launched Their Careers On 'Star Search'

These days there's a new reality show with a panel of celebrity judges every week, but in the '80s and '90s Ed McMahon's Star Search reigned supreme.The talent show pitted contestants against each other tournament-style in categories like singing, comedy, and dance. But, as you can see from this list, even some of the "losers" turned out alright.1. Aaliyah CBS / FanPopThe talented 10-year-old impressed the audience enough to land a job as a backup singer for Gladys Knight the next year. She lost to another pint-sized singer who is now not famous, which will be a running theme

Pop Culture

9 Embarrassing Commercials Our Favorite Stars Were In Before They Were Famous

We always talk about "Where are they now?' but what about, "Where were they before?" Here's nine hilariously embarrassing commercials our favorite celebrities were in before they got famous:1. Brad Pitt - PringlesI've never seen anyone so excited to eat Pringles. These people make it look like the most fun activity ever. Oh Brad Pitt, the things you've achieved. 2. Steve Carell - Brown's ChickenAfter seeing Steve Carell as Micheal Scott, my mind just pictures this commercial starring The Office character, and it makes it so much better, trust me. 3. John Travolta - Safe GuardIn this commercial


Ever Wonder What Happened To These Iconic Movie Props?

Movie magic is when the cast and crew of a studio are able to make an audience believe something extraordinary, using only the bare minimum to achieve the impossible. Some of the most memorable moments in film history have been thanks to a few well-made props that ended up becoming classic tropes in Hollywood. But what happens when their screen time is over and the director yells cut?Here's the weird and tragic endings for those famous pieces of cinema history!The Heart of the Ocean - TitanicThrillistThe incredible jewel that ties together the love triangle is what sparked the


90s And 00s Beauty Crimes We Were All Guilty Of

When looking back on our old photos, we can't help but think, "What was I thinking?" This era was a really rough time for the beauty community and I hope we can all just forget it ever happened.. Here's a list of eight beauty crimes we all committed:1. The skinny browI feel like this looks even worse now that big brows are in. I hope this trend never comes back, it was painful trying to keep up with tiny brows.instyle2. The top ponyYou know that ponytail coming from the top of your head looking like a waterfall? That's


Rarely Seen Photos Of Celebs In Their Teens And Twenties Will Give You Intense Flashbacks

Everyone has to start somewhere, and for a lot of our favorite actors, it means getting their face out there by modelling. Sure, it may not be the meaty roles they wanted, but it's a paycheck and a good way to get your name out there. Many of your favorite stars have obviously changed a lot since they were in their teens and early twenties, but the glamour shots they took back in the day will make you feel like it has been a hundred years. They all look so different from when they first started, but it's time to