
10 Weird Facts About Disney Movies That'll Change The Way You Think About Them

Disney movies will forever be in our hearts as the most important things in our childhood. And if we're being honest, they remain just as good to this day. Even though we've aged, it doesn't mean we need to grow up! I would estimate that the majority of us are still watching Disney movies as they come out, whether it's because they are actually really good, or because we're old enough to have kids that want to watch them. But here's the thing, when we were young we probably weren't appreciating how much work actually went into these movies. Now


Study Reveals Each State's Favorite 90s Cartoon And The Results Are Unexpected

Everyone has their own favorite cartoon, but have you ever wondered if the one you loved most had anything to do with where you grew up? Maybe you just related to the characters more, maybe everyone in your town just had a big phase where you all watched the same shows, or maybe it's completely based on the channels you had available. A lot of factors influence which shows are your favorite, but the 90s had a lot of good options to choose from. Kids shows in particular were absolutely epic in the 90s. There was something for everyone, but


25 Incredible Tattoos That'll Make You Nostalgic For Your Childhood

When we grew up, tattoos seemed to be just for the 'edgy' people. Or at least that's what my parents always told me. But luckily, times have changed, and people's views on tattoos have too. You don't have to be some rough biker to get a tattoo, you can be an accountant, a college student, or a doctor. It really doesn't matter. It's your body, do with it what you will. Personally, I love tattoos and think they are such a good way to express yourself and the things you love. And what do we all love more than anything?


The Man Behind The Music Of 'Schoolhouse Rock' Has Died, Here's How He Shaped Our Childhood

Schoolhouse Rock was a requirement in our childhoods. Everyone of us watched these movies in class to learn about grammar and math, and if you didn't, I'm very sorry for your loss. The original series started all the way back in 1973, and continued until 1985. It was so beloved that they decided to bring it back in 1993 and re-release old episodes and make a few new ones so that new generations can learn all the important lessons. The idea for Schoolhouse Rock came about when David McCall realized his son was having a lot of trouble memorizing multiplication

Pop Culture

11 Celebrities Who Voiced Some Of Your Favorite Cartoons Without You Realizing

When watching cartoons, it's hard to figure out who the voice actors behind all the characters are. We're so invested in the storyline that we don't even realize a famous celebrity is behind one of our favorite cartoon voices. It's fairly obvious that Eddie Murphy voices Donkey in Shrek and Ellen DeGeneres voices Dory in Finding Nemo, but not all cartoon voices sound just like the voice actor. Here are 11 well-known celebrities who were behind some of the most famous cartoon voices, and you didn't even know it!  1. Fergie - Sally Brown in The Peanuts TwitterI couldn't


10 Animated Movies That You Always Seem To Forget About

It seems that a new animated movie is hitting the big screen, the television, or going straight to DVD every other week. With so many films inundating the market, it makes it hard to remember all of the classics that we used to watch as children. Even if we do remember most of our favorites, there are always those ones that we watched and loved, but completely forgot about as the years passed by. If you need a little bit of a reminder, hopefully this list will bring back memories of watching these movies, so that your kids can enjoy