Pop Culture

10 Really Dark Moments From Our Favorite TV Shows Meant To Teach Us A Lesson

There were a lot of people telling us not to watch too much TV when we were young. I always remember that my Grammie would tell me that if I watched too much TV my eyes would go cross-eyed. But the thing is, watching TV was how we learned a lot of our really big lessons! Growing up in a small town before the internet existed, I tended to miss out on a lot of the big issues that our world had. I was in the self-contained bubble and while it was a nice and safe place to grow up


10 Fictional Teachers From Our Younger Years That We Would Have Loved To Have Had

Whenever you would get your report cards at the end of the school year, it would always be a mad rush to see who was written in as your homeroom teacher for the following year. It would have a pretty decent impact on your summer, and on how enthusiastic you were going to be heading back to school in September. We all had that one teacher who had a massive impact on who we were as students, and as people, but there were also those teachers who made us wish we were living in a fictional world, with a fictional

Pop Culture

The Lawrence Boys Are Back And We're Definitely Feeling The Brotherly Love

The three Lawrence brothers were some of the biggest stars of the 90s. Joey, Matthew and Andrew each starred in some pretty iconic shows and movies over the years, and now they are coming back to TV together! Teen BeatThe eldest, Joey, starred in Blossom and made everyone swoon in his ripped jeans and flannels. Matthew played Robin Williams' son in Mrs. Doubtfire before joining the cast of Boy Meets World. Andrew was lucky enough to be in the first Mr. Bean movie and also he voiced TJ in Recess! Buena Vista TelevisionThe Lawrence brothers previously worked together on a


10 Teachers We All Wished We Had When We Were Kids

There were just so many television shows in the 90s that were set in schools. Pretty much every show that was intended for kids was set in a school environment so there were always a lot of teachers around. Some were kind of a nightmare, but there were a lot of really great teachers that we all wished we had. There are of course some great teachers in real life, but when you're a kid the ones on TV seem so much cooler. Which of these teachers did you think was the best? 1. Mr. RatburnPBSMr. Ratburn has a name

Pop Culture

11 Obnoxious Sitcom Characters From The 90s That Are Just The Absolute Worst

Sitcoms are one of the very best things available to watch. Sure, cartoons were great and dramas are fine, but sitcoms were the absolute greatest. There were so many to chose from, all with their own great stories. The thing is, not all characters can be winners. Sometimes there is a really annoying character who is necessary to the plot but honestly, just something about them drove us nuts. There were just so many irritating characters that we put up with, how many of these do you remember hating? 1. Steve UrkelABCSure, he was one of the main characters, but